Thursday 7 September 2017


When I was writing my MB examination for a particular course "Physiology". I went through the first page of my MCQ'S (Multiple choice questions) and I didn't know a thing on that page. I went through the second page, out of about 10 questions I knew just two. I was careful not to tick the wrong answer too because there's deduction of mark for a wrong answer. I went through the third page and I didn't know what to tick too. I called out to God "Olowogboboro you are the one writing this exams not me". I thought to myself that it was impossible for God not to know anything because God is all knowing".  I read for that examination but I knew that even if I had remembered it wasnt by my intellect but God. Fear presented itself but I refused it and I spoke in tongues then moved on to the next page. I answered the next and last pages smoothly. I wasted so much time on the first three pages earlier as I had no idea what to write so by the time i was on the last page, people were submitting and a number of them already left the hall. It was almost time to submit, so I went back to the first three pages I could not answer and I realised the answers came, it was easy so I thought "What?how did I not know" but immediately I knew God was the one doing it. He showed up! 

Also, during my biochemistry examination. My mcqs went smoothly then came theory. I didn't know some part of question one, i had no idea of the second, I knew the third and three others well. We were to answer five out of seven. I knew the third question so i began to write but, I couldn’t pin point my facts accurately (very weird thing to happen). I knew the answers but I just couldn't place it ( i just started laughing to myself because it shouldn't be...What a joke!). I've had issues understanding this course in the past but I came to understand it very well by God's grace. It happened that in the exams hall with all that went on, it just came to my mind that i've had issues understanding this course in the past so I panicked a bit at first, but I got hold of myself. I knew I wasn’t writing on my own, so I started writing by faith. I wrote like i knew what i was doing (when your are confident about who lIves in you). After writing, i realised my biochemistry exam work was the neatest of all the previous papers I had written. I was amazed, because at first I couldn't arrange my work, even the diagrams were almost misplaced but i got them right. I just kept writing without looking back or checking. At the end of that paper, my writing was clear, readable, neat and arranged. God showed up. In addition to this, I left out important points, I forgot some diagrams due to the short time i had left but this is the course I scored highest among the four courses. Though it was the one I was worried about when I shouldn't have!  

This brings us to  Mark 5 vs 21-43. Jarius a ruler of the synagogue came to Jesus concerning his daughter who was ill at the point of death. Jesus couldn’t go at that exact time because of other miracles that took place (The woman with the issue of blood being healed etc). Someone from Jarius' house came to meet him at the place he was with Jesus to tell him his daughter died but Jesus said to him "DO NOT BE AFRAID, JUST BELIEVE". Certain things may happen in  your live, they may leave you wondering if God is with you at all or if God was even there from the beginning. You know what, think of that case as one in which God is going to show up to show off and do not be afraid. He has a plan, he will make something big out of it. God will never leave you or forsake you. Infact, he lives in you and is greater than what is in the world. He is not a runaway God. When Jesus got to this man's house finally, he saw people crying outside over the girl said to be dead and Jesus told them she wasn't dead but asleep. The people ridiculed him when he said that. You may be ridiculed for trusting God over a matter because people think it's too late or beyond God. It's not over until God says so. Nothing is beyond the Omnipresent. He will use your case to change their thinking and draw them close. He is the controller general of the entire universe. God's outstretched hand is long enough to lift you out of any thing no matter how deep. The God of the eleventh hour shows up in style to show off. He makes testimonies out of situations. When Jesus went into the room, he commanded with authority for the child to rise and she rose. People were amazed. As a believer, you see things the way God sees things. Jesus said she was sleeping not dead. She may have seem dead to the carnal eyes but the spirit eye saw her asleep. How do you choose to see it? That's what makes you different, that is why you have the power to speak what you want to see over a situation, that's why when it looks like its dead to the carnal eyes, to you it is filled with life because Christ paid the price to make it so. He is that God the wind obeys, the God death submits to. Yes! His power extends into the supernatural and beyond.  His rulership is limitless. Those problems have submitted to the authority of Christ. Nothing is too little, too big or too hard for God. He is the only ruler who takes into consideration the littlest of things as far as it concerns you. Praise God!