Thursday 5 October 2017


So last night, I just kept thinking of how much the years have gone by. You know, its one of those things you think about when your birthday is near. My birthday is coming up this October and before last night all I could think about was doing a photo shoot.  But last night, I felt different. I realised I had plans, some I've started and I have been sleeping on and some haven't been put to work yet. I felt somehow about it. I thought I would have felt better if I had done this things at this present age, yea...but you know 28 of Oct is already here and this present age is PASSING. So I was like "Okay, you need to start working on them now, you're still gonna feel good, Infact much better about it when you accomplish them". Just finish what you started and start what you didn't start.

I have plans and visions which are quite big but I realised visions wouldn't make you big no matter how big they are until they are visualised with the physical eyes  rather than the mental eyes.

I'm  thankful for how far I have gone this year, Honestly, it's been challenging but I know it's been a really successful one. Though I have lagged behind somehow. I'm still very thankful.  I started with having visions in September through December. Some of them seemed impossible to achieve especially when I had to consider several factors (which by the way was a big lie, you can achieve anything you want to). Looking back I've accomplished most of them. I thought i wouldn't be able to take up a leadership mantle of being an Editor-in-chief of Abuad Medical Students Association due to several reasons (too many reasons or excuses not to try something will only make you blind to the fact that it's possible ). I refused to give up on that dream. It wasn't easy but it was worth it. There are so many things I have done and trust me, if I had to listen to certain people tell me I couldn't, self doubt or other people's doubt about themselves I wouldn't be able to do them. I'm stronger than last year, much happier, my eyes have been opened to certain truths, I've stood up for myself than I would have before, more confident and trust me I've learnt alot. I've followed several paths God has been stretching his hands to show me since, I've made progress in fiction writing. All this is because I told myself, you gotta get things done.

I'm still climbing the ladder, trust me there are rough edges. Some days you may not even want the sun to see your face because of challenges but you gotta tell yourself something  " if I have to glow, I need to step out there, right under the sun, let it shine on me and make me glow before the world.

You gotta try once, try twice, try again and again and keep trying till you get there . God has put it in you, Just get up and get things done!

I had alot to handle late last year and this year, but also I realised I had enough time on my hands to finish some things I did start and start a new hobby I didn't start. I have a writing competition to enter for and it's due this October but I have not submitted my piece yet because, I have been waiting for the right time to do it. The truth is i have had several right times. Something really scared me when I realised I haven't actually made use of the time I had so I said to myself.

" Hope I don't wake up one day when I can't move my legs easily and get myself off the bed smoothly like the good young days and realise my dreams are still bottled up in a corner of my mind" This is October, soon November and then December. You are never too old or too young to start something, Youthfulness most of the time is about the mindset not physical qualities and also know your mindset actually can make you young on the outside.
2 Peter 1 vs 3 "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness".

If God has given you several gifts and visions then put them to work. You can do it, God wouldn't give you something you can't handle or do. You're a King/Queen. Most importantly, let God lead and show you the way and keep holding his hand through all of it. Get up and get things done!