Sunday 28 April 2019


A lot of us like weddings, especially that moment when the couple are exchanging their vows, usually a teary moment for many. One thing with marriage is that the people involved were perceived as separate initially, but after the vows have been exchanged, they become one and are seen as such. The day you accepted Christ as your saviour was the day you became one with him. It's the day you became a member of his body. A body is a made of different parts  working in unison for the functioning of an individual.

Once you become the body of Christ, he has a responsibility of taking care of you or can Christ neglect his own body? No he can't. This then brings us to Ephesians 5 vs 25-29, i will make references as regard Christ and the church (his body);
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,
27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
 32 This is a profound mystery--but I am talking about Christ and the church.

Christ has saved you and has thoroughly washed you and has removed every blemish, blame or wrinkle or anything that may have made you unclean. This washing and cleansing is regardless of your story before you accepted Christ and after you accept Christ. Hence, you should live like you've been washed clean by Christ.  Even after accepting Christ into your life, you have become his body, you have become one with him, you are seen through his image and you should see yourself that way too.
29. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church. 
After you have been saved, Christ continues to take care of you. He does it by the Holy spirit at work in you, who helps you grow daily when you study his word. The spirit of God also keeps you in line with the new life you have been brought into. The Holyspirit makes you see your inheritance in Christ and understanding your realities on Christ makes you radiant.

For you as the body of Christ, just as you feel pain when hurt, Christ feels pain when you are hurt. When you have a wound on your body, the normal thing to do is to  nurse yourself back to health. When you feel sick, hurt, depressed, stressed, tired etc. Christ feels it too and he understands and he is always there to nurse you back to your feet.  One way of nursing you is to make you see what he has done already through his death and resurrection because he knows thats the aid for you, he would lead you to his word and through the word of God, there is healing for your body and soul.
You're in christ and he is in you. I mean, there is no emotion you feel that he doesn't know about, there is no joy you feel that he doesn't feel, there is no pain you feel that he doesn't feel. As much as something bothers you, Christ sees it. His responsibility is to take care of his body and you are his body. We as human beings with bodies, you know how this works.
For Christ to go ahead and die for you before you even came to the knowledge of who he is and while you were still a sinner, then do you think he still can't care for you after you've  become saved?

You were made in the image of God, and after accepting Christ, you are not just an image but you are in him and he is in you, you are him, he is you. That is why the bible in Romans 8 vs 35 says that nothing can seperate us from the love of God, you are now in Christ as his body so, nothing can remove you from Christ. Nothing can, that's why the bible goes ahead to say that our live is hidden in Christ in God. When you want to understand who you are, see yourself as one who has christ in them, not as a seperate entity, but as one with him.

 Ephesians 5 vs 29  no man ever hated his body but careth for it.


Sunday 14 April 2019


The inspiration behind today's message is a song that says "i will not be silent, i will always worship you". Now in the song, it's about worship but i'm going to broaden it. If you think about it, some great men of God you see now have one story or the other on how they struggled with accepting their God given purpose or gifts because their body makeup in one way or the other made it seem impossible to fulfil it. Their minds may also have been what was in the way.

Benny Hinn's story is about him being a stutter and not being able to speak in public. Some other great preachers like Joseph Prince have the same story but now, this men have led many to Christ with their messages. Kenneth Hagin was bedridden for years and it was said that he won't live but then God healed him.
Has the devil made you believe you are handicapped to fulfill purpose or even to live? Has he made you feel like there's nothing good you have to offer or nothing good in you? God's word is there, the devil's lies as well. But you got to choose one to believe. The negative pressure may feel overwhelming but you have to understand that the creator knows what he put in you and he made you accordingly. When you are being told by God who is incharge of the race to run and it feels like something is saying "haha...what do you think you wanna do, you can't do it". I tell you, run faster because you are strong enough to and also believe God's got you and you will see how quick and wonderfully you reach the finish line regardless of the hurdles.
See this hurdles as a way of training to make you stronger and better, it doesnt matter who put them there, it doesnt matter if words people spoke to you put them there. Philipians 1 vs 6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

It could be that you want to start a business, it could also be that you are at a point in your academic journey and you feel like backing out or you wanna give up or you feel having less is where you belong. Don't back out, keep looking up to Jesus for strength and direction to get you there.

You may have ran and fallen several times. You may even feel like you are not worthy to take on that mantle. It's you that God wants, yes you. The lies of the devil remain lies because God's truth always wins. You're are there already, don't back out, don't give up. Leave your understanding out of this because you may never understand how God is gonna do it but he will certainly. Proverbs 3 vs 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

It may be that you are believing God for something and it seems unrealistic to come to pass. God's got you and he never fails. He will do it for you as long as it's his plan for you and please know that his plan is the best.

Don't keep silent, don't keep calm, don't back out. Don't stop!

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus because i know your strength is made perfect in my weaknesses. I am victorious because you are and i can do all things through you. Thank you for loving me. Amen