Thursday 21 May 2020


The world was in a lot of chaos which it is currently recovering from. Some people may have been infected with the virus and some affected as a result of the pandemic. This involves the unstable economy, going through something personal due to movement restrictions or any other difficult situation this may place someone in.

In one way or the other, people have expressed their fears of what may become of the world. Will the world ever recover from this? Will the economy ever recover? Or If they will ever recover from the chaotic situation they are stuck in.

We've  learnt to trust God in situations in the past, then this came and some people deep down their hearts may have doubted the sovereignty of God over this particular one because, they thought it was out of control (this is not to spite anyone). As Christians, we are not to trust God in small situations and leave him out of the "big things". Nothing is too big for God to handle. As a matter of fact, he sees the end from the beginning. I mean he is all wise and all knowing. God gives us assurance in difficult times and instructions on how to get out or get through them but it's possible to let our human wisdom/reasoning rule over what God is saying to us if we are not careful.

The battle isn't against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. One may say "let's  be realistic" but this is the actual reality. God has given his children authority over the devil as a result of what Christ did. (Colosians 3 vs 15; In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross).

God is saying that his reign is forever, his kingdom no man can overthrow. The tribulations may seem overwhelming, but God is in control and everything is in your favour.

 2 Timothy 1 vs 7;  For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.