Saturday 18 June 2022


 For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God - Romans 8 vs 14.

The same chapter also states that we no longer live according to the flesh but according  to the spirit.

The bible says that as we have received the goodnews and accepted Christ, we ought to live according to the message we received, Colosians 2 vs 6-7. One could relate it to going to a new country, the rules and regulations may be different from where you came from but you have to live accordingly. 

There may be times in our lives that we get carried away with life and we fall of living in the spirit. Perhaps, life became so busy, a lot of demands or expectations here and there. Maybe you moved  to a new place with new people and adjusting is confusing and difficult or one gets overly excited that irrationality comes in to play. Sometimes, it could just be the pressure of changing who you are or certain things about you just so you can fit in. It could also be someone facing difficult times and they result to getting farther from living the life they were called to live. Life may not even have to be dramatic for this to happen, one may become too relaxed that concious effort to grow their relationship with God becomes difficult.

Something that seemed harmless at first may be a significant compromise and one may not know. Later, when the consequences come, one realizes it was actually a big deal in the spirit.

For in him we live, and move, and exist- Acts 17:28. Our lives should be Christ centered,  this way we can walk in accordance with the will of God for our lives rather than living life to satisfy our own selves. Making Christ the center of our life is making him a priority and it's something to be intentional about. There's something called Christ consciousness. Just as we are intentional about the people we love, the food we eat or things we love to do. We go extra miles to keep these things running in our lives or extra miles for the people we love. It's not that we are trying to prove a point by doing these things, it's because we place these people or these things as priorities. 

When we walk in the spirit, we live in light and not in darkness, we do not live blindly. Walking in the spirit affects our life choices positively because God is heavily involved. Walking in the spirit is walking in knowledge and insight and not in ignorance. Something may seem right but it's not what God wants you to do or where God wants you to be and you can decern this because you are walking in the spirit. It could even be  discernment about the people who come in and out of your life. You are also not ignorant of the schemes of the devil and you dont fall for it. For example, the devil's scheme which could come through anger one holds on to or unforgiveness, the Holy spirit immediately makes them aware.

 When someone walks blindly it's easier to be drawn away by the vain philosophies of men and live as the world lives (Colossians 2 vs 8). When we live blindly, we become ignorant of and we dont enjoy the realities we have in Christ Jesus. Keep that relationship with God growing with constant fellowship in word, prayer and gathering with the saints.

God loves you!

Wednesday 2 March 2022


Has there been a time in your life you were so afraid that you felt it was the scariest moment you've ever experienced. You felt helpless but God came and turned that situation around to favour you. This psalm describes being in the most difficult and dreadful situations and still trusting God, believing and knowing how mighty he is to protect and deliver us.

Do you know that Jesus paid heavily for you on the cross? A lot of people don't understand what Jesus did. They know he died for us but can't say why he did and what benefits we have from this. Do you know what Jesus's resurrection means to you as a person? This is the most valuable thing anyone could ever do for you.

God is the light we have as in salvation that some people who haven't accepted Christ Jesus to be their Lord and saviour need. He is the light we have to live and walk in righteousness. He has given us everything we need for life and godliness, so we need not fear or be afraid.

God loves us so much that even when situations present themselves he wants you to know that he is in it with you more than you could ever imagine. He already won over your life so Satan can't win. God wants you to trust him in times like that. God wants you to call upon him at anytime. Our hearts ought not to fear whether it's a spiritual or physical warfare.

We have the fullness of God in us, he lives in us and hence we've become beautiful like God. You should know that you are hidden in Christ in God. You are one with God and cannot be shaken. Hold your head high because your confidence is in God. He is the author of your life. God is behind our existence so, we have to carry the consciousness of Christ in us always. 

Desire to know God every day by spending time with him that you may grow spiritually. One thing about growing spiritually is that you know who God is and his ways. You will also have the word of God in your spirit and then you can fully understand your place as a child of God.

Finally, often times we fear, imagine and expect bad situations to happen or for things to get worse. Maybe there is a trigger for this feelings, maybe there isn't but as God's child, expect or look forward to good things happening to you in the land of the living. Don’t judge your situations by the stories you've heard but by the powerful word of God. Take courage in God.