Monday 7 August 2023


​Genesis chapter 12 is a story most Christians are familiar with. God tells Abraham to pack up and go to a land that he would show him. I doubt Abraham knew where he was going to. Sometimes, I wonder how Abraham felt about moving; packing, the road journey, change of environment, new people etc. 

The good thing about this is, God had made promises to him, to order his steps and bless him abundantly in the process. God promised to give him and his descendants the land he was moving to. 

Perhaps, you’ve found yourself in a situation where God was telling you to do something but you don’t think you know your way around it. Or, you wanted to go to or move to a certain place but it didn’t just work out and then you look at the other place God is leading you to and it doesn’t look promising. Maybe, it’s just plainly about going to a particular place, starting a new job, a business and you wonder what the future holds for you there, if you have what it takes.

It could be about the need to fit into your generation.Things are changing so fast, so many trends and you wonder which is yours to follow. Sometimes you feel you are not in the right frame of mind to handle them all. 

Can you recall in Mathew 7 vs 25-27 where Jesus said we shouldn’t worry about what we are going to eat or wear. The birds of the air and the lilies, God tends to them. How much more us! He said even the hairs on your head are numbered. 

God made a promise to Abraham and he kept it. 

I wonder how Paul felt, he killed many Christians in the past and suddenly, he became one of them. Paul feared he would not be accepted by the other believers. Even though the believers had their doubts about him initially, God’s love was already in their hearts and they saw what God saw about him and accepted him. Paul went ahead to do great and mighty things in the name of Jesus and wrote the epistles.

We are children of God who carry the fullness of God. My last statement is regardless of the last thing you did before reading it. God has made us light in a dark world. We were not made to navigate this life without God or on our own. We are God’s utmost priority. His timing is different from ours. What we need to do is to let the Holy Spirit lead us so that in each season of our lives we know exactly what God’s plans are for us. This begins by you making God a priority in your life and not just a part of your life. Let God be the center of your living. God needs our obedience and trust as we navigate life with him. Life can only be fulfilling with God.