Friday 27 October 2023


In the world today, policies and rules are made that makes one question the belief system of the people making it. There are statements made by people on social media that will leave you in awe. Most times, these things are targeted at Christians, to restrict or make christianity look bad. In fact, they go as far as misinterpreting scriptures, adding new information to and saying what the Bible did not say. This can leave people confused, make people backslide more and even increase the “hatred” some people already have towards God. The truth is, the people who take the bite are those who are not deeply rooted in the word and people who don’t really know the faith. A believer must be particularly careful of the “wokeness” culture. People who live by it may think the originators of this culture are their “saviours” from being taken advantage of but a lot of times, it causes harm. 

The miles people go to create havoc in the minds of people is surprising, it can send chills down your spine and leave you wondering what’s become of the world. People really think they can tarnish the image of Christ, it’s a ridiculous thought. There are movies out there claiming to portray Christ and they exhibit false doctrines. They make out Christ as someone against humanity and love or without decency. Beloved, these are the tactics of the devil. 1John 4 verse 6 “We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error”. Be discerning. 

There are other categories of these people who disguise as prophets and go about preaching their own gospel. They claim to be Christians but do not acknowledge Christ, they do not acknowledge that Christ came in the flesh and he is the son of God. The Bible refers to the spirit working in them as the spirit of “the anti christ”. Sometimes, they use entertaining acts to draw people in or take upon them the “saviour complex”, trying to do what Christ has already done! 

The aim of this is not to make anyone afraid. The Bible says that we have overcome them; because greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world, 1 John 4 vs 4. God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind, 2 Tim 1 vs 17. What we do as believers is not to pay back hate with hate, we do not involve ourselves in unnecessary arguments. We respond with love, when people see your good works, they want to know God. Keep preaching the gospel and remain steadfast in the faith. Persecution is bound to come, it’s not something to be surprised or depressed about and Christ is worth all of it. Do not be ashamed of the gospel. 

Read these scriptures; Mat 5 vs 10-11, 1 Peter 3 vs 14, 2 Cor 12 vs 10, Romans 8 vs 35-37, James 1: 12, Romans 1: 16. 

Image credit: shutter stock images

Saturday 14 October 2023


This past week, there are events which occurred that made me grateful to God for calling me to be his own. If you are not deeply rooted in the word, you may underestimate the the sovereignty that God has over the universe and everything in it when you see things happen around the world. It’s imperative to know that the sovereignty of God is reflective of the nature of God which is love.  God showed us the purest form of love in that Christ was slain for us, he gladly laid down his life for us and we just need to believe to be saved. We do not need to appease him with blood sacrifices, we do not need to absorb ourselves in pointless phony religious acts void of love to please God. The very fact that Christianity embodies the purest form of love, love that commands us to love even our enemies shows that we are in the right path with a one true God. 

No wonder the Bible says in John 3 vs 16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave….” He gave. He gave all of himself to us that we may be like him, rich with his fullness and perfect in his sight. If this is not enough, what else is wanted? Jesus loved so deeply, remember how the Bible says in John 11 vs 33 -35 that Jesus wept at Lazarus’ grave because he was moved at heart. Did he really have to weep? considering he was still going to raise Lazarus up. No, but he shared in the pain, he was hurt at heart because the people he loved were hurt by Lazarus’ death. Every pain you experience, God shares in it. That’s why he said we should cast our cares upon him and take upon us his yoke because it is easy and light. Mathew 11 vs 28 -30.

People die without experiencing God, it’s really a huge loss for them. Words are usually not enough to express what being in Christ is like but the Holyspirit helps us to express it and at the same time the Bible tells all about it. I recommend Christ for everybody, experience him. If anyone sojourns on earth without having a love relationship with God, it’s the most unfortunate thing to happen to them. Here is another opportunity to get it right with God and know what love really is. 

I look forward to hearing from you if you want to know and accept Jesus into your life.  Send an email to 

If you want to build your relationship with God, send me an email as well. 

Image credit to depositphotos