Sunday 31 December 2023


What did i learn in 2023? I learnt to trust God, let go and rest knowing that i am more of a priority to God than i am to myself. We say we have faith in God but worry after praying. What should follow after prayers is experiencing God’s peace but we don’t accept it because we’ve not completely trusted and sometimes that lack of peace is more unsettling than the issue itself. God wants us to receive the peace that he gives, Philippians 4 vs 6-7. 

Trusting God is like putting all your savings in an investment and knowing it won’t fail. It’s like playing a game with a friend that requires you to fall on your back without looking back and trusting they will catch you. This year i went on a walk with God, I saw hurdles on the way that left me wondering “why me?” During this walk, God lovingly taught me a lesson on trusting him fully and not hold on to anything. I learnt to trust God for the seemingly impossible and i saw it become possible. 

There were some happenings this year that i wasn’t happy about initially. One major one for me was having to move to a new place, I had already prayed not to go to because I had somewhere else in mind. My feelings led me to try to influence things but nothing worked. The way it played out, it was obvious that God was adamant about me going there. It reminds me of Jonah running away and trying to hide from God because he didn’t want to go to Nineveh. The moment i got there, i could see why God wanted me there, I mean, it left me blown away for weeks! He did order my steps really. Believers, sometimes we say we want to serve God and we pray he fulfills his will on earth through us, but we make this declaration and look back. Jesus said in  Luke 9 vs 62 “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back, is fit for service in the kingdom”.

God’s response to your declaration could be taking you from one place to another, making you meet people he wants to touch, change or save their lives through you and taking you out of your comfort zone. He will definitely interfere with your plans if they don't align for his will to be done through you. In 2023, I saw God needed me at certain places at certain times because of what he wanted to do through me for people and what he wanted to do for me as well. Honestly, there were times it was uncomfortable but i can confidently say it was worth it. 

In addition, I also learnt to be excellent in whatever I put my hands to do. This is important because, as a child of God you must pursue excellence. Being excellent also gives opportunity to propagate the gospel, this was mostly emphasized in church.

Dear reader, please trust God like your life depends on it because it does and watch your life change for good.

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