Tuesday 30 January 2024



I have a relative who stayed with us at a particular time, When it was close to bedtime in the girl’s room and we would lay on our beds having conversations, she would put on the light to search for mosquitoes to kill, this could go on for an hour or more and most times, she hardly killed anything. Sometimes, it could be she was on to something important like patching a torn cloth or reading a book and if she sees a mosquito flying around even if its from a distance, she would exclaim “mosquito will deal with us today o” and then leave what ever it was she was doing to go after it and repeat the same cycle of wasting hours on it!

 Remembering that and laughing over it, the Holy spirit told me, this is how many of my children lose focus on important things to chase after the devil. A lot of people think they have to get the devil before he gets them. With everything that happens in their lives, they find something to attribute to the devil even when there’s nothing and this is usually out of fear or in order to avoid accountability for their actions. Some people are so tensed and focused on what the devil is up to next that they see everything as an attack and everyone as a means through which the devil could attack them, this has driven people to go to places to seek help where the presence of God is absent and they ended up in more trouble.

 Do you know that God has rendered Satan powerless? He made a public spectacle of the enemy. Hence, he has no power over you to harm you - Colossians 2 vs 15. God has given you power to thread upon serpents and scorpions. There will be temptations and trials but the knowledge of God’s word will keep you focused and you will pray by faith from a place of victory. God wants you to know him more, build a relationship with him and walk in his will for your life, this should be your focus. It’s the devil’s trick to distract you and make you lose focus.


Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world - 1 Peter 5 vs 8-9 . Peter didnt recommend here that we go after Satan. He said to keep your spirit sensitive and alert and this can be done by consistent study of the word of God, spending time in prayer, listening to and yielding to the voice of the Holy spirit. Resist him in the name of Jesus and he will flee. You also resist the devil by resisting the temptations he brings your way ; sexual immorality, envy, greed etc. Be steadfast in the faith; In addition to what has been said earlier, not neglecting fellowshipping with the brethren keeps you steadfast in the faith. Have faith In Gods protection.