Monday 17 April 2017


If this is the first time you will be seeing this, its important you go through the part one of this topic on the blog.

VERSE 5-16
Most times fear creeps in when we see the actual danger before us. It's important we see Jehovah Sabaoth ( The Lord of Host. Joshua 5 vs 13-14, Isaiah 31 vs 4, 2 kings 6 vs 16-17 KJV) at that moment because the truth is, he is always on standby. His army is greater in number and might than any army on earth. When the Syrian army came to capture Elisha the prophet after the king of Syria found out that Elisha was the one who kept telling the king of Israel of thier plan to attack him and they couldn’t succeed. The Syrian king ordered his army to sorround the city at midnight thereby making no way for Elisha to avoid being captured, Elisha's servant was frightened but God had another plan. God's army was  on standby, greater and stronger than the Syrian army. kings 6 vs 16-17 (NIV)

16 "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."

17 And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Most importantly, in times of danger, listening to God's instruction is very necessary.  If God wants to quietly lead you out of that danger, it's important you follow suit, If God wants you to pass through that really burning fire and not avoid it, pass through it by faith and you won't be burned. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were bound, and thrown into the burning furnace because they refused to worship King Nebuchadnezzar's graven image. They were bound with the intention of making them helpless, and thrown into the burning furnace, they passed through the burning furnace and came out unhurt. No matter how hopeless and helpless that situation might seem, God will untie you from the chains that held you bound and bring you out of it unhurt (Daniel 3, read Isaiah 43 vs 2). Jesus was led to the cliff by the people  with the intention of throwing him down but he walked out in thier midst, nothing happened to him. He could have allowed himself to be thrown down and safe himself, he had the power to fight against and destroyed the people who planned to kill him at that point but he did it in God's way for a greater purpose to be fulfilled (Luke 4 vs 29). At the end God won against Satan.
Also, God can choose to slay our attackers or put them into confusion and chaos for our sake. In what ever way God chooses to save us, it is for his purpose to be accomplished and his name glorified. Always listen to God while in danger or difficult situations. God's way out of that situation or danger may not be how you want it but his way is the best. Always know that God's mighty hand of protection is always there to protect you and guide you.

Sometimes, in the case of an attack by the enemy, depending on the severity of the attack, we anticipate the death of the people involved. Offcourse, God fights for us even more than how the mother hen does for her chicks but God can choose to deal with our attackers anyway he wants to according to his purpose. The men who set Daniel up to be thrown into the den of Lions afterwards were thrown into that same den and were eaten by lions before reaching the floor of the den. By this vengeance was given to Daniel and the people of that Kingdom turned to the Lord based on the King's command after witnessing Daniel's ordeal and seeing the fate of the conspirators (Daniel 6 vs 16-26).
Read 2 kings 6 vs 18 

18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the LORD, "Strike these people with blindness." So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.

19 Elisha told them, "This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for." And he led them to Samaria.

20 After they entered the city, Elisha said, "LORD, open the eyes of these men so they can see." Then the LORD opened their eyes and they looked, and there they were, inside Samaria.

21 When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, "Shall I kill them, my father? Shall I kill them?"

22 "Do not kill them," he answered. "Would you kill men you have captured with your own sword or bow? Set food and water before them so that they may eat and drink and then go back to their master."

23 So he prepared a great feast for them, and after they had finished eating and drinking, he sent them away, and they returned to their master. So the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel's territory.

The Aramean(syrian) soldiers realised how powerless and helpless they were when they came to capture Elisha because of Jehovah Saboath. Later on, Elisha showed them kindness by making a feast for them and then sent them away. The Aramean soldiers stopped raiding Israel's territory afterwards.  God made them helpless, useless and powerless by striking them with blindness and gave them into Elisha's hands. That's what God can do to our enemies. Elisha would have killed them all but he let them go because he was a man of God working alongside with God and according to his plan. Let God carry out the vengeance in whichever way he pleases, do not take it upon yourself. God planned to make this soldiers useful in the future . This same soldiers later formed a siege around Samaria. Reading through chapter 7, when some lepers who were hungry, helpless and forsaken went to the camp of the Aramean soidiers, the soidiers  heard the approaching  footsteps of the lepers and thought it was a great army coming up against them from different Kingdoms in which the king of Israel must have invited to fight against them. This soldiers ran away and left thier belongings including food in thier camp. This way those lepers were fed and the whole of Samaria was fed too and delivered from famine. God can decide to use our enemies for our good. God works our enemies for our good. Our enemies may plan evil against us with the intention of prevailing but God has another superceding plan that the enemy doesn't know about. God nullifies the plan of the wicked against you, It does not matter how seriously the've planned or how many times they come around to attack, soon you will see them no more. Just as the Israelites saw the Egyptians no more. God is working it out.  At times you may be weary from the trouble the enemy is causing or just being aware of the plans of the wicked against you can weigh you down but know God has already put things in place. Sometimes, through the plan of the wicked for your good. People can set you up to bring you down or destroy you but God will put things in place to turn that plan to favour you and lift you. God can decide not to kill your enemies just to use them for your good. They continually are worked up for your sake, they become your servants unknowingly. He makes them our footstool. You keep trampling over them.

God can also use circumstances in which our enemies set up against us to turn them to God. In the case of Saul, an enemy of the Christians, God later used Saul to preach the gospel of Christ to the world, he travelled round the world before, looking for Christians to persecute when he repented he travelled round the world to preach the gospel of Christ. Turning an enemy to God who previously was an agent of the devil to destroy God's people  puts the devil to shame. This is the devil not being successful. God can as well mightily use them to punish the devil . Some people might be asking or wondering why God will spare the people who in one way or the other have risen up against them or decide to use them for his work and purpose. It is true that God is the God of vengeance. This vengeance he gives based on how it seems right to him and it must be justified. God loves the people in the world dearly, even the ones who are blindly uses by the devil. The problem there is the devil fighting aimlessly through them not this people. The bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness in thier high places (Ephesians 6 vs 12).
It is Satan that uses this people to do his evil and dark things. God can decide to ruin the plans of the devil and rescue this people from darkness. This people too are loved by God and need to be protected from being used as tools by the devil. If God stretches his hands to them filled with love and grace and they hold on to him, they will be saved. That is why it is important to pray for people who allow themselves to be led by the devil or your enemies. Being repentant of thier past which gave them failure, left them in darkness and deprived them of thier lives in Christ is a thing of Joy. The grace of God is sufficient to all regardless of what we've done or do. Believing in God is a major success against the devil. God punishes the devil by depriving him of souls. This punishment is deep! God does things most times in the way we cannot comprehend.
There are unrepentants who refuse to hold on to God's hand and allow themselves to be continually used by the devil who eventually leads them to thier distruction.

Pestilence is an epidemic disease that is highly contagious, infectious, virulent and devastating - English dictionary.
Trusting in God and having God as our shield creates a supernatural immunity over us against any form of pestilence. Even the non contagious diseases, God protects us  from them. It is possible to live without sickness or live sickness free. God's protection over us is far more than  a mother hen protecting her chicks. A mother hen guides her Chicks agressively from predators then how much more God guides us. Even if the people around you are plagued, it can't come near you.
Verse 7- Even if half of the community dies from it, that pestilence itself will avoid you. Some people can't get infected from drinking water from a source because they have a strong immunity but others get infected. Stop saying "I have a sensitive system " . Don't give yourself an excuse to be susceptible,  it is the devil's lie. God will always keep you alive to put the devil to shame.
Verse 9-6
It brings us back to believing, trusting and accepting God as our shield. No harm or disaster can come close. You see the earthly princes, they have guards sent by thier fathers the  kings to protect  them, that is how God sents angels to guide us. The earthly guards may not be capable but God's angels will never be defeated or run away from you in the face of danger. God fights so many battles for us that we are not aware of .
Jesus trampling on the head of the serpent was to fulfill God's word and also to expose us to the authority we have through Christ.  The  battle no matter how fierce, we will triumph victoriously. Study the scriptures which will reveal to you the Truth and God's promises concerning your life.

God wants to have a very special kind of relationship with us. Very intimate more than what best friends have. He wants to communicate with us, he wants to use us to achieve great things. God loves you! God loves you! God loves you! accept him, acknowledge him, reverence his name.
The signature and stamp of a governor can open doors for people or give authority through it. In fact, just people knowing you are a governor's child can be highly favourable. How much more when you are the child of God, his name will open doors no man can close, his name  makes demons tremble and flee. God's name is like a master key and he delivers from any circumstance. Being a child of God, you receive God's stamp of protection over you. His name gives you a higher level or stamp of authority. That name makes demons who came in one way to flee in seven ways.
God will be with you through thick and thin and he will bring you out of it like you never went through it. He will deliver you out of it with honour.  God's satisfies us with long life. A mother breastfeeds her child till he/she is satisfied. In fact,  the child being overly satisfied releases his/her grip and mouth from the mother's breast. God satisfies even more. It doesn't matter if there is a certain age people die in your family just step into that gap for your family and table it before the Alpha and Omega ( The beginning and the end) and he will so satisfy you with long life. Colosians 3 vs 1-3
1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God

His word never fails.

God's salvation to us is a very special gift which will continue to be abundant and permanent in our lives.

I pray for the person reading this, that God's promises in his word be established  in your life in Jesus precious name. I pray the joy and peace of the lord will continue to be your inheritance. For Christ in you the hope of Glory! Amen.

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