Friday 16 June 2017


You've probably thought about certain things that happened in your life in the past, for alot of people going down that lane brings a whole lot of regret or pain.
It could be what you did and you can't forgive yourself for, you wish it was done differently or you wish it had happened differently. That situation may have had a really strong impact in your life and made you go down the drain. It may be a bad growing up experience. It could be some kind of hurt from people you trusted or  from a complete stranger.

The devil tries to hold alot of people hostage with their past especially through their minds, if they allow it. Some even believe this repercussions means they are paying for their past and they end up having no peace or are not happy with thier lives. When you give a lot of consideration to a painful or regretful past, manifestations show forth. Letting the devil in can affect your focus in life and affect your focus in the place of prayer. 

Have you ever played a prank on someone, maybe you lied to them that they had something scary on thier hair or clothes or behind them and they completely freak out because of the fear of being harmed. Only to laugh it off and tell them it was just a prank! That's the game the devil tries to play with our minds concerning the past. You freak out about your past and you carry this burden around refusing to let go.
Romans 6 vs 6-8

6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

7 because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.

8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.

Once you've accepted Christ into your life, you are brand new, not adjusted. There is a difference between cooking a new pot of soup and warming stale food.
2 corinthians 5 vs 17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
Your old self died with Christ and he gave you a new one. The past is erased completely.  Go into God's rest knowing this. Stop raising your hands to carry a burden that already been lifted from your head. You will only get your hands cramped!

You can't pay for something in which evidence of its occurrence isn't there. You are not gonna pay for that past. God is so loving and gracious. You don't have that past anymore, who ever had that past went with it. Even if the world is pointing fingers at you. If the Devil can't get into your mind he tries to do it through the world. Jesus already declared you discharged and acquitted from all accusations and that makes you free and innocent. Even if you sin while in Christ,  God doesn't hold it against you because you've been made righteous through Christ. Romans 4 vs 8 says "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not count his sin against".

Jesus needed(had ) to pass through Samaria according to the bible in John 4. Why do you think so? Because a woman with a past needed to be made anew and leave behind  her burden. She needed redemption. She was indeed made new without condemnation. She was continually thirsty and burdened because she didn't drink from the right source but Jesus didnt just give her the living water he made a living spring in her that she might have no cause to want and that spring flowed through and people in her community drank from it. That's how precious we are to God. He would go miles for your redemption. He so loves you. This is grace!

You may have been hurt by several people in the past and this hurt has stopped you from moving on, the anger, tears etc. Isaiah 43 vs 18-19
18 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
God will make use of your hurt and pain to do great things in your life and give it a turn around.  After Joseph was brutalised by his brethren and sold into Egypt. God used that situation to make a way for him and elevate him. Infact when his brethren visited Egypt to buy food, he saw them and cried because he was hurt but he forgave them and reassured them that God used that situation to send him ahead of them for the purpose of that famine in the land and to save lives, according to Genesis 45 vs 5. Joseph was the most honorable man in Egypt at that time. Consider the story of Daniel, Esther. Shedrach, Meschach and Abednego were thrown into the fire but God was in it with them. God is in that pain with you to work things out for your favour. Just forgive and let go because the spirit of Christ dwells in you and with that spirit is exceeding love that you should extend to the people who hurt you. Esther had a story she hid from the king. The enemy Haman tried to use it against her and to hurt her people but the God who sits on the throne with full control over earthly kings used the revelation of that story and Haman's intentions to save her people, Esther 7.
The devil might want to use that hurt and anger to hold you down and give you unrest but God wants rest for you. You deserve to be free. The people who hurt you might even be going around free so why carry some burden caused by another? Let it go.
Pray for them. Praying for them will lead them to Christ. It will help you let go and forgive them easily. It fills you with strength and peace to move on and most importantly rekindle love for this people. Your kind act of forgiveness can lead someone to Christ. Isn't that a good thing?
I pray that the broken hearted and the burdened ones will receive God's rest and healing. Amen

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