Friday 9 June 2017


 I trust you all had a wonderful week.

In the book of Mathew 8 vs 5-13, a Centurion came unto Jesus beseeching him to heal his servant who was sick. The centurion understood and had the revelation of the lordship of Jesus over all as a man of authority himself. He understood Jesus did not have to come all the way to his house for what was troubling his servant to obey. He just needed to speak a word and that was it. Philipians 2 vs 9

9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,

10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Lordship according to the dictionary means a position of dominion, power, control and authority. It also means to reign

For example, if a governor needs to favour a person he doesn't necessarily need to go all the way to another location to work things out, he can write a letter and sign it or stamp it or both. It is enough to get the people in that location to obey and favour this person accordingly. A phone call is enough too. The order dare not be disobeyed because there will consequences. If this describes the power of an earthly authority then consider the authority in the name of Jesus, it can't be disregarded, there are fatal consequences. In the former days, a ring from a king as a seal could signify authority as in the case of King Ahasuerus, Queen Esther's husband when he wrote letters to the various provinces. 

When someone receives Christ into thier life, they now live in the authority in the name of Jesus. They have a seal which is the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit backs this authority/office. 1 corinthians 12 vs 3
Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.

Do you understand the authority you function in?

Remember when the scribes, pharisees and some other people came to arrest Jesus led by Judas iscariot. When he asked who they wanted and they replied "Jesus of Nazareth", Jesus said "I am he" and the people who came to arrest him drew back and fell to ground. He revealed his person and authority and they fell under that anointing. John 18 vs 5-6

From the example i gave , In the case of a man sent by a governor, if he forgets the authorising letter with the signature or stamp then he is on a fruitless journey. If he carries the letter and refuses to show it because he has no faith in it, then it is a fruitless effort. For example too, If the actual son of the governor himself decides not to walk in that conciousness of who he is as a governor's son or disregards this fact, he might not be able to function in this authority compared to the one who regards it, accepts it and understands who his father is, his name and place in the state and also walks in this conciousness. He will function better in this authority. Infact, alot of times he will not request for things to be done and they will be done. Nobody dares disregard or mistreat this particular son.

The sons of God who are heirs must know and understand  who they are in Christ. You dare not be messed with, there are consequences. The Father will always watch out for his own. Believe in God and rest in his authority. Understand the authority you function in and know he has given you his name to function in. Mathew 28 vs 18-20
18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

19 Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in THE NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I AM WITH YOU  always, to the very end of the age." Amen

Note the places in between the verses I used capital letters. When you function in the name of Jesus, have the revelation of the authority in it.

In the book of Exodus chp 7, When God sent Moses to Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. God made Moses a god over Pharaoh, that was the authority Moses functioned in to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt. Pharaoh did not obey till the last minute and there were fatal consequences. That is how precious God's children are to him. God has made you a god over that situation, work in that conciousness.

Back to the Centurion, when Jesus spoke a word of healing concerning the Centurion's servant. The Centurion went home believing the word and that it was a command which was enough to change that situation. God has spoken over your life and situation, realise this and go into his rest knowing his words has broken bounds. Embrace the word of God and believe in the authority in it. The words God speaks are commands over your life, it carries power. This is why you have the bible to study, confess it and see it work for you. You sit with Jesus were he sits so you sit above all. Christ made this possible. 1 john 4 vs 17 "In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him". You are like Christ in this world. Study the word of God and embrace it. Believe his word has healed all part of you, believe you are the righteousness of God through Christ. The one who sits at the highest place has spoken this words over you. Jesus spoke and calmed the tempest (Mathew 8 vs 26). Creation obeys! Everything thing or being does too. Psalm 99 vs 1

 1. The LORD reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake.

Make sure to read Revelations 17 vs 14,
I Timothy 6 vs 15. Have a blessed weekend!

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