Tuesday 30 May 2017



The cracks are many

Hard to absorb, hard to resolve 

The path is long

Hard to cover, hard to run through  

Seems uneasy but easy                 

Adequately, on standby                                   

Has Abba been

I walked through the cracks 

And my feet didn't crack 

I look back on the path 

Surprised to have gone a long way 

The way ahead  seems far

I still worry about the cracks ahead 

But I’m gonna walk to get ahead 

Like they never were there 

I've mused, refused and been fussy 

But his loving grace has been copious 

My hands he never lets go 

Still, he squeezes in affirmation of his love 

Ahead of me he goes 

Ahead of me he has worked it out 

I shall hold on to my Abba's hand of rest 

To my destination of purpose 

Yep! It's a new month. Happy new month beautiful people. God has gone ahead of you this month. 

I was reading an anatomy text on tuesday evening, I had a lot to read for my upcoming exams of which the date is not certain yet, so it could be announced anytime. I was a bit worried, this is just a part of the story as I've had other challenges this week. I thought about everything and realised God's hand has been evident in my life and his continuous assurances too. I decided to just let him drive while I sit back, relax and remember the sky is beautiful. That was the night I wrote the poem above by inspiration. Come to think of it, I remember several times when I am tempted to worry about something and I hear God telling me clearly " So how has worrying helped you? tell me. I'm still here you know" . Funny right? but true.

Maybe, you just finished NYSC and you are wondering "What's next?" , You just got a new job and you are so worried how the journey will be, you are about to get married and you feel so anxious about it, you are about to be a parent and you are so scared of failing or how you are going to provide for your child. Maybe you are about to graduate and you are scared of how life will be after that. You could be in a stage of transitioning from one point of your life to another. It could be financial challenges and you are worried about what you are going to eat tomorrow or you have a situation that you can't tell anyone about or you think no one can understand and people will think you are crazy. Trust me, God understands all of it! 

Mathew 6 vs 25-34

25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?

26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

This is all I can put here. Read till verse 34. If God brought you this far, he can take you through it. Thank him for how far he has brought you and relax.

A particular night I was browsing through YouTube for messages. I came across Pastor Steven Furtick's message  "When anxiety attacks". He talked of how overwhelmed he was during the Elevation church ten years anniversary week, he worried if he had what it takes to take the church to a higher level the next ten years. He said it was common among leaders who have walked with God after reaching a certain level to feel pressured about taking the church or ministry to another level.

 "I don't know if I have what it takes to take this church to a higher level" that's what he kept thinking. He prayed to God about it, read the scriptures and then God spoke to him  "The letter in the center of the word anxiety is an "i" which is your pride. You are at the center of your anxiety, you think you can handle everything yourself. Listen to yourself when you worry, all you said was "I can't, I don't know if"  its been I, I and I. You are not the one who sustains the throne I (God) do. Humble yourself and give me the upper hand".

Men choose to bear weights they are not meant to bear. God also asked him if he had what it takes to take the church through the last 10 years and that he God was the backbone of the church the last 10 years not him Pastor Steven. So there was no need to worry. After that God went ahead to say the letter in the center of the word pride is an "i". Man's pride was a major reason why they worry about so many things and that man's pride won't let him surrender all to God. One of the reasons why we are anxious is because we refuse to be obedient and cast all our anxiety on God. Once you surrender, your pride and anxiety goes. Never be anxious in an attack too. He gave this scripture 1 Peter 5 vs 7-8

6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Finally, I want to let you know Christ bore your burdens on the cross. He was thirsty for all your burdens on the cross, to finish and put an end to it. If God protected you in the womb even when you were not conscious of yourself, through childhood and then adulthood. What can't he do? In fact, if he saw you through yesterday and this is another day, what can't he do? I was praying one day, I lifted my two hands up in surrender to God. He told me "If a child is in need of his/her mother's care or attention or they want to get away from what they perceive to be danger, they lift up their hands as a sign to be carried. When you surrender to me when you have challenges that's how I see it. I will carry you through it, you are my child and I will always protect you. Allow me to." I believe this message is for someone. Just drop it at his feet and walk away free. 

I pray that everyone of you reading this will accept God's rest for you. Amen.


  1. Very nice.

    You're right. Sometimes we believe its all about us. Our strength. Our skill. Our resources.

    But its really about his will, and his love. His grace really IS sufficient. For all of us.

  2. I agree, there is some stains of pride in our not letting go and wholeheartedly depending on God. From the sermon on the Mount, God says: "who among you by worrying and persistent anxiety can add a single hour to his life"?

  3. Very awesome write up .just learnt a lot
