Friday 26 May 2017


Hello awesome people!

As Christians, is it possible to have the zeal (passion, fire burning for God) without having it according to knowledge? Yes it is. Romans 10 vs 2
As a believer understanding who God is, is important. A desire or zeal towards something/someone should make you want to know more. In other to really know, you have to come in terms with understanding it or them and how they function because, it is possible to have a zeal without proper grounding knowledge, this can result to a whole lot of misunderstanding, misleadings and mistakes. 

It's important as Christians to have that longing and readiness to understand who God is. A lot of christians are scared of going deeper in thier faith because they think the deeper you go, the more challenging or difficult it becomes, so they remain lukewarm. That's the lie of the devil. The deeper, the less challenging life is and the more richly adorned you will be with the knowledge of the beauty of God. More revelation of who God is beautifies your life more.
To know God more, we have to let the Holy Spirit guide us in this path and open our spiritual eyes of understanding. Never lean on your own understanding or let rational thinking lead you or your mind guide you.This applies to reading the bible as well. Proverbs 3 vs 5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;". When the spirit of God is teaching you, make yourself teachable and ready to learn. Do not rationalise with the mind or fleshly thoughts. This is where alot of issues arise from misunderstanding the bible, especially if it doesn't suit the worldly intelligence, it disregarded and interpreted carnally. It's worse if this misinterpretation is relayed to followers. That is why it is important to study the bible personally. God's word might seem unreal to the flesh but it is more real than we think. God is spirit, so working in the flesh is a limitation, you won't understand how God works. In order to fully access the blessings from the word of God, you need an understanding of the word. Pray for revelation knowledge and let the spirit of God guide you.

When we read or hear the word of God, we have to believe in our hearts what we've heard and then confess it. Activate it in your spirit through confession. It doesn't matter what the situation or circumstance is at that moment, the word of God works things out. Regardless of what the world is saying about that situation.
When God told Abraham to leave his country, kindred and his father's house to a foreign land with great promises attached. Abraham obeyed God, check Genesis 12. His kindred or the people around him must have thought he was foolish or insane for obeying and believing God. It must have seemed unrealistic, but it was God's word and command. When Abraham eventually arrived Canaan, there were challenges (famine) and other set backs. At this point, most people might think they heard wrongly or God probably told them wrongly and turn back but, he is that God that will allow you pass through fire and come out unhurt. After all of that, God blessed Abraham that till today, it beats man's imagination. One important thing to consider again is OBEDIENCE with believing and confession of the word of God, we must obey God's instructions when he speaks to us.
The resources at the beginning might be small, the way may seem rough, you may fall a couple of times, it might not go how you thought it will go at first, but know God is right there holding your hands and lifting you through it. God is not that father who will abandone us or get distracted to guide us through. "It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8.

Another thing is to be PERSISTENT, be persistent in your believing, confession, obedience and prayer. Even when that sickness stares you in the face, be persistent in refusing it. Refuse to settle for anything less than what God has planned for you.

You are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus, 2 corinthians 5 vs 21. It is not through your works or you trying to make yourself righteous before God or seem righteous to people, Christ has made you righteous, it is sealed. God knows you are righteous because you've accepted Christ. Romans 10 vs 3. Trying to or believing you can make yourself righteous is not submitting to or accepting the righteousness Christ has given to you. This is unbelief in the work which Christ has already done. Christ fulfilled the law, you don't have to fulfill it. You are righteous through faith in Christ.
According to John 3 vs 16, God SO loved us and sent his Son to die for us. It's not something you and I worked for. It's grace. God's saving grace is not based on your works or limited to your shortcomings. Jesus paid the price!. When you are in Christ, you are new, old things are erased completely like they were never there. No matter the fingers the world points at you, you are righteous as far as you have Christ. God's promises are true, his word never fails! God is in love with you.

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