Tuesday 2 May 2017


Hello beautiful people
We are still on the topic of love. Love is a beautiful thing. It is strong. It's God's will for me to write to someone out there about love and the manner of love. Love is from the father. There is a reason why you are reading this right now. God has different ways of speaking to people. Be blessed by this message. If you haven't seen the second part of this topic, please go through it. God has alot to reveal to you through it.
Our text majorly is from 1 corinthians 13.  Please make sure to go through it.

Love is patient, patience means to wait, to tolerate, to be in constant pursuit, to persevere , to bear.

 Love is being patient with a person through thier moodiness. People display different attitudes when moody, most times we could misunderstand it to be thier show of dislike towards us, they might be going through a lot they can't reveal. In fact,  the attitude might be as a result of anger towards something else not you. Moodiness could be hormonal/biological in both men and women. Love people even when they seem really angry all the time, Love can change lives or inspire. Love tolerates. Show love to strangers.

 Love is being patient to help another out of a mistake they are about to make due to ignorance despite thier refusal to listen or waiting around to pray and hoping they come to realization of the truth. Love is when you wait to hear the side of a story of a person after you hear a rumour about them no matter how bad and believable it is. Love is not judging them. Loves is waiting till you marry to have sex wit your partner. 

Love is not envious of another. Love celebrates another's success even when you started the journey before them.
Love does not envy because the other person you feel superior to has accomplished what you accomplished. Love does not envy because your husband/wife is earning more than you at work. You are one body.

Love doesn't brag. It doesn't go about telling people what they have done or how much they have done for other people. Love is not reminding people or your partner how much you've done for them or how much they owe to you with the intention of making them feel indebted to you, worship you or feel owned by you. Love doesn't rub success on people's faces, it's a sign of weakness and insecurity. Love doesn't discriminate, nobody is inferior. Christ died for all, regardless of tribe or nation. Differences in race shows how diversely and richly beautiful God is through creation. We are one body in Christ. No part of Christ body is inferior. Everything God made was good.

One has not love if they allow thier temper to be an excuse in hurting people's feelings. If one has love, they will work on it. Bad temper ruins relationships. Proverbs 29 vs 11  " A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back" 

Proverbs 16 vs 32 "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city".

Love is not self centered or selfish. It doesn't regard one's need to be more important than another's. Love doesn't argue/fight with another to win, love is considerate to see another's hurt in disagreements or fights. Love doesn't live in the past. Before, people used diaries to record hurts and offences but it's recorded in the heart now for easy access. This leaves more hurt. It's like reopening a wound. If a wound is hit again, it becomes worse. When this people are hurt again, the old wound resurfaces and gets wider with the new one. It is choking to build up hurt or anger. It is a world of continous pain. A physical wound being hit or reopened can get infected, leave constant pain, take long to heal or there could be deadly consequences. Thus, the wound bearer suffers it. It's never worth it. It is a restriction of personal growth. A lot of psychological drainage occurs too. There is no happiness or peace. It then becomes difficult to love or accept love. Sometimes it becomes hard to see God's love and enjoy it. The devil takes advantage of small things to build them up into something worse. Jesus loved the people who betrayed him, hurt him, rejected him enough to die for them. Even at the point of death he still loved by asking the Father for forgiveness on thier behalf. Even at the point of being very hurt he accepted a thief nailed with him into God's Kingdom. The deciples denied and deserted him when he was captured but he still reached out to them when he rose from death.

Love and evil don't attract. Love resist evil. A world full of love is a world with less evil. Love sees the truth and rejoices with it. Love is genuine. Love protects, this can be seen in God's abundant protection over us. Protection isn't only from physically harmful things or persons. Protection can be by defending someone when the whole word condems or accuses them. Protect someone by actually not hurting them through emotional or physical abuse. 

Love perseveres, your love for something leaves in you the spirit to pursue it regardless of obstacles on the way. This is how you accomplish goals in life. Love trust, trust is believing in something. When there is trust, relationships won't be shaken or tossed around. Believing in/trusting your partner is loving them. Love hopes for the best in people no matter how bad thier situation might seem. Some people want to be encouraged to get through difficult times. Seeing that another person has hope for them is strength to get through.

Love doesn't fail or dissapoint. God doesn't fail or dissapoint us because he loves us dearly.

Love is devotion.  Romans 12 vs 10. We make out time for the things or people we love. Devotion is sacrificial. You make out time no matter the schedule if there is love.

Love serves. Service in humility. Serving is helping out, volunteering, taking care of, putting things in order for other people, catering for others, looking out for the needs of others.
Love is serving your people honestly when in  political power or an organisation.
Love is service by sharing knowledge, helping another to grow spiritually, looking out for the unbelievers and winning souls( genuine concern for another's soul). Love is serving another with our God given gifts 1 peter 4 vs 10
" Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms".

Love should be in our hearts when working in the house of God. Godly people are not rude, judgemental, unkind, unwelcoming or proud.

Let the church be an example of love to the world and not the world's principles of love ours.
Love conquers imperfections.

Love doesn't bring fear, for those in relationships,courtships, marriages. A partner who puts you in constant fear from threats or by being hit doesn't love you. It doesn't matter how much they lie to you about loving you. Love is not abusive, love takes no advantage.

 Love yourself. You were made in the image and likeness of God. He lives in you. You are the evidence of God on earth. You are so loved by God regardless of who you are or what you do. You don't need to work or impress God to gain his love. It's a special gift from God to you. God's actions are because he loves you. Don't try to impress or bribe people to love you. You are that special! In Mathew 22 vs 39, the bible says love your neighbour as you love yourself. You have to love yourself first to be able to love and accept love. You are a member of Christ glorious body.

Some people might be wondering how possible it is to love this way. It is possible. Once we've accepted Christ, he lives in us and he works in us and through us to transform us. You just need to believe and allow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

1 corithians 3 vs 18

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit".

 Ephesians 5 vs 1-2

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma"

Love should be expressed not locked up. Love is commitment.

Let the love of Christ fill you up. Be blessed in Jesus name. Amen

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