Thursday 18 May 2017


Genesis is the first book of the bible, Genesis 1 entails of God's creation of Heaven and Earth. There was a reason why the account of Creation was revealed. It wasn't just about having knowledge of how the Heavens and the earth were made, it also gives us deep insight about God's plan for man and a revelation on how man can fulfill God's plan for him.

God made the Heavens and the earth. Therefore, it means everything in Heaven and on earth belongs to God and is under his authority. This might not be a perfect example but i hope it helps. A man buys a piece of land and then builds a house on it. It means, he is in charge of that property and he is responsible for the regulation of the activities in the house and the people who live in it. The children of the man have authority as well through their father except he disowns them or doesn't include them in his Will. God after making the earth, everything in it and right after making man, gave everything under the authority of man to watch over, possess and subdue. You and i are in charge! that's the good news. Right from the beginning, God made us to be in charge of everything.

Everything was planned out. Sin came in and there was a strain, man was still given power but that power was greatly limited. The relationship God had with man was strained too. Christ came to bridge that gap, he came to reconcile us to the Father. Through Christ we became the sons of God, through Christ we have an unlimited authority. We are joint heirs with Christ in the kingdom. Everything was planned out. Man in the beginning was placed in Charge of the earth but Christ's death, resurrection and ascension into Heaven to sit at the highest place, where we now sit with him has made our authority unlimited beyond earth because we are now Sons. We have everything. When he ascended, we ascended with him, this shows our authority is beyond earth. The place we sit with Christ is the highest level. Christ is sited at the right hand of the father, we sit with Christ there, that's the highest place.

In order to effectively operate in this son ship, we need the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit is our guide and comforter, he leads us right. The Holy spirit knows the mind of God and works ahead for his manifestations. He is a conveyer of the presence of God, he makes the presence of God real to us. According to Genesis 1 vs 2, the Spirit of God stirred the surface of the water and then God said ''Let there be light'' and there was light. The Holy spirit is like a seal and evidence that we have received Christ. The Holy spirit came upon the disciples during Pentecost and gave them power to do the work in which Christ sent them to do, Acts 2 vs 1, Romans8 vs 2. The spirit is a stirrer for manifestations, he teaches, restores and works in us, for us and through us. As sons of the Kingdom, we need to obey and follow his guidance for our effectiveness.

God spoke the earth into form. To be effective as a son, deep rooting in the word of God is very important. The word of God reveals the mystery of God. The word of God makes us knowledgeable of kingdom principles and ways, it reveals to us how deep God's love is, it gives us awareness of everything, It enlightens us of our place through Christ, One of the major ways God speaks to us is through his word. John 1 vs 1 " In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God". The word was there in the beginning. vs 14 ''The word became flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father) full of grace and truth - John 1 vs 14. The word is Christ, he is the truth. We need to know the word, speak the word and act the word. John 1 vs 3;''through him all things were made, without him nothing was made that has been made''. The word helps us STAND against the evil day- Ephesians 6 vs 11-13. Psalm 119 vs 105 says that God's word is a lamb unto our feet and a light to our path.

As sons, we need to work by faith and our faith produce works. 

 God decided in Genesis 1 vs 20, to make man in his image and likeness. When the bible described man, it further identified in reference to both male and female - Genesis 1 vs 27. Both male and female were made in God's image.  You are a reflection of God. Your  sonship should  be evident in every area of your life. Multiply in your finances, bear fruits spiritually and physically etc. Genesis 1 vs 28. God saw that all he made was VERY good, especially after he made man. If you check the verses before when he made other things they were 'good' but after he made man, everything was VERY good. Let nobody or anything tell you or make you feel you are not good enough. If you were made in the image of God, you are as beautiful as he is.
 Ephesians 1 vs 5 "He predestined (To determine or plan in advance) to adopt us through Christ Jesus with accordance to his will and pleasure". From the beginning, it was part of God's plan, you and i were part of his plan. Galatians 4 vs 4-7 "Because you are sons, God sent forth the spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying ''Abba !Father!'' Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then an heir of God through Christ". God is our father, our provider, protector, confidant. '' Abba'' signifies a close, intimate relationship between a father and a child.  We have this privilege only through Christ when born again. God oversees our comfort, well being, health and needs as our father. We must understand that as sons, we have a personal relationship with God and we should work with that understanding. A son knows the personal businesses of his father.


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