Thursday 11 May 2017


On a wooden slack lies a famished soul
Mercilessly beaten by the rain
Lies endlessly in the raging cold
A word of prayer can help this soul

On wet pillow lies a crying soul
Eyes flushed by draining tears
Soaked regardless in raging turmoil
A word of prayer can help this soul

On a dirty stone sits a hungry soul
Eyes puffed at passing beings
Confusingly, leaves a raging head
A word of prayer can help this soul

On a rusty rail leans a jobless soul
Throat knotted in frustration on another lost Loo
Eyes deemed by the raging sun
A word of prayer can help this soul

On a cold floor sits a deprived soul
Helplessly disengaged from a missing soul
Heart knotted by raging grief
A word of prayer can help this soul

 I remember the night i laid on my bed thinking after reading somewhere about a person who died from a terminal disease. I had so many thoughts, that was the night i wrote the poem above. I thought about the pain (physical, emotional etc) she went through before dying and what the family was going through at that moment. I thought about so many people who were hopeless at that moment, the kids who roam the streets in search of food, the people who sleep under the bridges, the sick, broken hearted etc. Please go through the poem, i believe God will speak to someone through that poem. its a message. A lot of people pass through so many challenges, even billions of people we don't know about, you might not be able to reach out to everyone physically but i know praying for them is one way of doing that.
 1timothy 2 vs 1 "I urge, then, that, first of all ,requests, prayers, intercessions,and thanksgiving, be made for everyone".

The unbelievers need our prayers as well to believe, even the unbelievers whose faces we don't know or whom we've not met or we are not able to approach. God is a way maker. Pray for them to have an encounter with God. You might have tried all you can, praying for them will change things. There are believers in church who are going through a lot. Most times they can't tell people about it and you can't read it from their faces because they wear the happy look when coming to church or going out, pray for this people. Let's follow the guidance of the Holy spirit regarding prayer, the Holy spirit can minister to you to pray for a particular person, please do not ignore, even if its a short prayer, pray for them. Do not be selective of the people you pray for instead, be guided by the Holy spirit.

Pray for the people in authority instead of criticizing the people there, lets pray for them.  proverbs 21 vs 1 "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will".

 Pray for God to guide them to do well. Pray for strength for them, they get tired too or frustrated. Sometimes, they feel pressured. Pray for God's sufficiency for them, they have needs too. Pray for church leaders and members. Prayer strengthens the church.

Take out time to pray for people you don't know. Just mention the needs this people might have to God in prayer. you might not know everyone's needs but you can commit them to God in prayers. Hold hands with people and pray for them, sometimes they might not be going through anything at the moment but just bless them and thank God for them.

I remember one morning, early in the morning, i was woken from sleep by the Holy spirit about a revelation to pray for a lady, to pray against death for her. From the image i saw, i wasn't sure i knew her. My eyes were full of sleep, i was so tempted to sleep back. God kept speaking to me about it that moment, i thought to wait till i finally wake up but i knew i had to pray, so i woke up still feeling sleepy and i prayed, i made sure to pray in the spirit and then i slept back when i woke up finally that morning i almost forgot about that revelation but God reminded me and i prayed again. My point is, even when it seems uncomfortable for you at that moment and the Holy spirit ministers to you to pray for someone or people, do it. Don't let it slip because its not you or a loved one. God has a reason for it, someone might be in a critical situation and needs your prayer at that moment. What if it you forget to pray and it becomes too late? i pray it doesn't get to that point, What if you procrastinate and forget to pray? 

Love yourself enough to pray for yourself too. Do not take things for granted. God is that father we can talk to about anything.
Everything can be going on well with your spiritual life, you feel alright within, but if the Holy spirit tells you to pray about your spiritual life and be vigilant or sensitive in the spirit, maybe he says you need to pray more or be extra vigilant do not ignore no matter how well things are going at that moment. A lot of Christians ignore this and before they know, they let themselves get overshadowed by situations and then they will be wondering what happened like '' i was fine just last week, what happened?''. God sees what's ahead and wants to guide you from it. He will.

Mathew 18 vs19-20 " Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. 20..For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am i in the midst of them''. Pray with people, pray as a family, pray in church with others. For example, you need to get a Biro from the floor, if you try lifting with your toes without looking and lying on the bed, you might keep tapping the floor and its more difficult though can be successful but if you, sit up, bend, use your eyes to search for it, and finally lift it with your hand. that's putting virtually half if not all of your body at work. Another example is trying to clear a field. One person doing it alone can take hours but two or more people doing it together might take just minutes to complete the work. one person is a force on his own but together, its like putting  many forces together. We are one body in Christ who work together to grow as one.  Another persons issue should concern you, if you feel soreness in your feet, your hand rubs it continuously till it feels better. God loves unity, togetherness and bonding as a family even through prayer. Romans 15 vs 5-6'' May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ''.

Prayer is important. Be sensitive in the spirit. I pray for God's increase in our prayer lives in Jesus name, Amen!

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