Thursday 14 February 2019


Happy new year everyone, i'm so excited about this new year and for everything God has in store in us.

Today, we study mainly the book of Galatians chapter three (3) and the first four verses for part 1 of this message but subsequently, other reference bible passages will come in. I encourage you to look up the bible passages.

As believers, partnership with God is inevitable. We are now in partnership with God. Christ came and died, he resurrected victoriously to crush that hedge and make us sons who work in partnership with God. Once we've accepted Christ into our lives, we receive the Holy spirit and we no longer walk by ourselves but with the Holy spirit.The reason for the person of the Holy spirit, aside other things is to be our guide. He guides us into understanding God's word and how to work by it and he reveals to us his will. The Holy spirit guides us into the revelation of the person of Christ (when you seek to know Christ, you seek to know more of who you are. If you are not living up to that, by the working of the spirit you are consciously made to live up to that revelation).

Maybe it has happened that in our walk with God. When the tides comes, we loose focus of the companionship of the Holy spirit. The truth is, the Holy spirit is the person you need when everything seems to be going wrong or out of place, when it feels like you are loosing focus or when you feel like involving him may waste your time concerning a particular matter. If you feel you are loosing focus and the Holy spirit is kept away, you tend to loose focus more because he is actually the guide you need. You may know the path that you should walk in but if you do not know how you should walk, you walk blindly and will never really get to your destination. At a point, diversion may occur to a totally wrong path.

Sometimes, we want to validate that the way we do our things are more proper, especially when it comes to our own efforts. When we are immersed in this thinking, we tend to disregard the spirit of God. Or it could happen that the spirit of God has given us focus on how to go about something but our self validation on how it should be done comes to play and we end up beating around the bush before, eventually getting to the destination.  Afterwards, frustration comes in because we tend to struggle. God wants a partnership and wants to do things with us but sometimes doing it by ourselves is the only way it makes sense to us.

One way in which the spirit of God guides us is by teaching us. Many people do not love the process of being taught because it involves correction which may be intense at times and it may involve taking a step at a time or those who allow themselves to be taught do not take note and are not observant, they are just passive learners. When we actively partner with God, we tend to be very alert and then we have a revelation of what God wants to do next. I'ts possible that as a passive learner, you may not be alert to know when God wants to involve you in something or even when it is laid out clearly, you may not see it and even when seen, you choose to ignore. Life is much easier and more peaceful when you partner with God.

Human intelligence is good but it is limited. When you are led by the spirit of God, you will have insight that human intelligence cannot grant. People who have experienced this can testify.

Hence, when walking with God, be an active learner not a passive learner.
Finally, you should ask yourself this ''Am i actively or passively walking with God?''.

By next week, we will continue from here with the part two of this message.

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