Thursday 28 February 2019


There were two friends named Joyce and Sandra who were set to go on a vacation outside the country after obtaining work leave. They were to spend three weeks in Atlanta, USA. Sandra and Joyce had separate houses they lived alone in.  Joyce granted permission to a friend who had a business to do in town to stay over at her house when she would be gone.

On the day of the trip, Joyce got to Sandra’s house as early as possible as she did not want to be late for their trip. When Joyce got to Sandra’s house, she realized Sandra had not yet packed for the trip. They had just two hours to get to the airport and the airport was 1 hour 30 mins from Sandra’s house. This left the two friends no other choice but to hurry as much as they could so they would meet up with time. They eventually got to the airport, almost late but were able to catch up.

As a result of rushing to the airport, Sandra had forgotten to close her windows and her back door (she wasn’t even aware of this) and it was raining season. She lived alone, so no one was able to help. Joyce did not have the same issue. She made sure her windows were properly closed, her doors as well and Joyce also had a friend who was to come stay at her place while she was gone.  That evening, it rained so heavily and the rained leaked into Sandra’s house especially the sitting room which was the most exposed. The furniture was soaked, the entire house as well, everywhere was quite a mess. The next day in the afternoon, the sun shone and Sandra’s house was aired, only to a small extent though. Joyce's house windows were opened at the right time by her friend who came to stay and was locked when the rain came.

For three weeks, rain leaked into Sandra’s house. By the time she came back, she was shocked and devastated by what had happened. Her furniture, even if it was aired those afternoons by the sun that shone into the room was damaged as a result of the continuous exposure to rain and it got worse. Some of her properties were swept away by the rain because the house was a bit flooded too. Her house was half empty as a result and her furniture was damaged. The power source was cut off because the rain destroyed the entire wiring of the house, everywhere was dark and cold.

Now, this story is not to scare anyone but it can be applied to our minds and this is to show how the mind works. Joyce’s house is the mind that has a lock (control) over it, it is selective of what it allows in and as a result, this mind is sound. The individual with this mind grows progressively as a result of their mindset. Let’s say the happened to be a day that Joyce’s friend forgot to close the windows and it rained into the house, she would air the wet furniture after the event and would learn her lesson then close the windows next time it rains. A sound mind may on one or two occasions may let in inappropriate thoughts, but is conscious enough to shut down these thoughts when it realizes itself and then allow only positive thoughts (positive thought has a way of airing out bad thoughts too). Sandra’s house, this mind has experienced letting in inappropriate thoughts, but as a result of lack of control or continuous exposure or the ‘’untrue good feeling’’ it brings, these thoughts keep coming in. Please note that inappropriate thoughts include lustful thoughts, fears, worries, anger or grudge, negative thoughts, etc. When these thoughts keep coming in without being filtered out, this mind is weakened progressively (for the medics, you would say it’s like a chronic disease but some experiences may not require it to be chronic though). This mind may get flooded with the negative thoughts and as a result suppress the prior positive mindset of the individual and then weaken their minds. The furniture in Sandra’s house got damaged and the house cannot function properly or be used. The individual with this mindset may become inactive as a result of a poor mindset. The individual is likely not to utilize their full potential as well for one reason or the other which may be as a result of disbelief in themselves.

Even if the exposed house did not have rain leak inside, the fact that it was opened to anything means it was opened to any stray animal or persons or even to thieves. When a mind is not controlled or exposed, stray thoughts as a result of wondering can come in and can dwell when the individual allows it. The exposed mind can become cold as a result of continuous exposure to these thoughts and just as the exposed house is after the power source is cut off, the individual becomes depressed and withdrawn.

This brings us to where the bible says we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds in Romans 12 verse 2. The mind affects the working or functioning of an individual. What the mind feeds on determines an individual’s personality. We as believers have perfect spirits but we require a continuously renewed mind. What do you think on? Are you letting yourself get burdened? Do you feel you are in bondage of your thoughts? Do not be afraid, it’s never too let to fix all of this. What’s very important is your determination and willingness to let go of this thoughts. Some thoughts may not be bad per say but are inappropriate because they eventually become burdensome. Example, when you are concerned about having a life partner that it begins to bother you every day and drive you to desperation at your own risk or you become so distracted that you are more focused about looking for a life partner in everybody that crosses your path than in pursuing what’s more important at the moment. Or being very concerned about the future that you forget to live in the present. These are important matters but it’s good that when you think about them, you pray about it, trust God and let it go while following God’s plan for your life. Next week, we will discuss fixing the exposed house and precautions to not become like the exposed house and contributions will be gotten from selected people regarding this issue.

You can also leave your contributions in the comment section on how you overcame the mind battle or your concerns regarding this.

Thank you and have a great week.

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