Sunday 10 March 2019


What are you focused on? A lot of people who are walking with God are not completely focused on him. They walk with God with their egos at the forefront, it may be a concious or subconcious act.

This is actually based on how one sees themselves and then their focus is shifted. They think they need something to hold on to and make them feel complete.
It can be noticed when they are serving God. What comes to their mind is; What do people think? Were they able to impress this people? Can their ego be boosted with this? Are they elevated before people's eyes by what they do? It's like using God to get approval from people or to get fame and some people don't know they are doing it.

 Don't get me wrong, it's different from when one is concerned about their works and if it reflects the righteousness of God, or how their works are able to change the heart of men and bring them to God.

As believers, our essence, existence, service and totality is in Christ. Hence, we should see our selves through Christ. That's how God sees us. We should understand that our service is to God and he sees the heart. If one's focus is based on what's on the outside, only what the eyes can see or what they think makes them complete outside Christ, once they are stripped off these things, they tend to crumble and their self esteem gets hit. For example, you are a good singer and then you wake up one morning and realise you are not able to sing anymore. What is going to be your reaction? What will you fall back on? Will you believe that you are complete?
Without those things you feel makes you who you are, will you still believe you are complete in Christ? Think about it.
These things don't actually complete you. They can be lost just as beauty fades and do not forget God always has a plan. It could also be that you think a human being is what makes you complete.
Galatians 2 vs 20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Aside seeing our completeness in other things, we may be tempted to see ourselves through our imperfections and forget that God's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. It is about seeing your self above every fleshy or physical imperfection and being focused on your perfection and identity in Christ. This is how we ought to see other people too. Colosians 2 vs 10 says; and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.

You are valuable, you are loved. You don't need to seek out something to make you feel complete because you have already been made complete in Christ. You may lose something but you haven't lost your completeness. Have faith in this, be rightly focus and rest on the completeness that Christ has given to you.


  1. We are complete in Christ 💃💃💃💃

  2. We are complete in Christ 💃💃💃💃
