Sunday 17 March 2019


Psalm 73vs 28; But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, That I may tell of all Your works.

A relationship with God cannot be over emphasised. A lot of times we under rate it. A song writer says the holy spirit is more real than the air he breaths. It's the truth!

 A lot of people believe in the existence of God, they are Christians but it's difficult for them to accept the fact that God is actually near. Your relationship with God is based on how you see God. At this point i will ask, Who is God to you? Do you believe he is close as the bible says? Or as people testify? What is it that is hindering you from experiencing this closeness?
Have you ever felt so close to God at a point in your life then later something happens that makes it feel like God is completely far away? I mean, you concluded that when people say God is close, they are probably exaggerating it. Sometimes this can happen and then we end up keeping malice with God that it's difficult to hear him again, because we've driven him far away. God never left.
One could also unconciously keep him at a distance when they stop meditating or fellowshiping.

Just as other relationships with people needs you to spend more time with them to understand them and understand what they mean when they speak, thats how it is with God. You need to spend time with him. Just like relationships with people that requires you to be quiet sometimes to hear them speak, while spending time with God, you need to be quite for God to speak sometimes. Also, be opened to the fact that God can choose to speak to you through any means or anybody he chooses and at any time.

There are several things that can hinder us
from hearing from God. The most common is noise. There is just so much noise. Your life may just be so noisy that its difficult to actually hear when God speaks and when you go to the place of prayer, you would probably be doing most of the talking. It can be to the extent that you are just religiously talking and you are not even concious of what you are saying maybe because you believe prayer is all about you doing the talking. Imagine going on a date with someone you want to get to know and all they do is talk about themselves without giving you a chance to speak.
 Another noisy place is the mind. Sometimes, our minds are far more busy than we are physically busy.

Have you ever had a best friend? Like  a close friend you loved dearly and you felt you could completely trust? How were you two relating? How did they make you feel? Can you apply that in your relationship with God? When you have this kind of  a relationship with God, you do not necessarily need to go to the place of prayer before you can hear from him. He can just speak to you any where and anytime. God is always willing to speak but how you are opened to hear is important as well.
Please do not miss out on having this relationship with God, it is a privilege. It is so sweet and life saving. You may not realise it, but God is a total romantic! He can't actually help it๐Ÿ˜.

Even the things you think are too absurd to talk about or ask, he wants to know about them. The amazing thing is, there is a twenty four hour access.

I don't know exactly what is stopping you from hearing from God or what it is you think is. if you can figure it out, do and pray concerning it and  if you can't, pray to him concerning it.

Study the word of God, it's the easiest and simplest way to hear from God. It's very precious.

 God's love amazes me a lot of times and his love is totally uncomparable. Go talk to your best friend
Acts 17 vs 27;
that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;