Sunday 15 December 2019


2019 has been a year! One of the toughest journeys for me. I was initially tempted to look just at how tough it was, then I thought about it and realised that though the journey was tough, God fought the battles. More like big battles and a bigger God. God has taught me so much this year, I came to realise  that indeed i can't do anything by myself and i needed God more than I thought.

When i tried  to do things alone, allowing my human wisdom to control some situations, i failed woefully. Those days when it seemed like God coming through for me may not happen or was unrealistic, he actually came through. I learnt that God was more powerful than I could ever know and that I could never measure the power of God. He works beyond our own imaginations. He knows the end from the beginning. Our wisdom alone can't take us anywhere, we always fail at it. We may find our selves in certain situations and trails but God is the one on the battle field and all we have to do is trust him with all our hearts.

I have written about my experiences above but then, I'm just trying to let you know that you shouldn't go anywhere at all without God. Sometimes you may feel you know better, sometimes fear may guard our decisions, sometimes it may feel like involving God is unrealistic, sometimes  it may feel like everything is already set to not work in our favour or it may seem like it's too late but all these are lies of the devil. God never leaves our side and he always comes through, even after we have displayed our highest level of insecurities and foolishness.

Studying the book of Exodus, I learnt so much. Most important lesson was that God orders our steps. Moses was sent by God to deliver the Israelites from their sufferings under Pharaoh. It was magnificent to see that everything worked out just as God had planned. Moses told God he wasn't going without him, he insisted he wasn't qualified to deliver his people, he nagged at God at every slightest opportunity, he was afraid, it was tough for him but when it was time for God's plans to come through, he worked mightily through Moses. God had Pharaoh's heart in his hands. What we forget sometimes is that as much as God is on our side, he is also in control of things on the opposing side, regardless of who or what is involved. Pharaoh must have thought himself to be wise. At every step of the journey, God made everything required available at the right time. It's all about trust.

I also want to remind you that God loves you wholeheartedly.
Regardless of your qualifications, actions, family prestige, accomplishments, your service in his vineyard etc. Put all of this aside and God still loves you. His love is totally unconditional and undeserving. By the reason of the death and resurrection of Christ, you've been found worthy and qualified by God so never put yourself down for any reason. Only in Christ can you find your worth not in the face of man. Please don't end 2019 without God and don't  start and go through 2020 without him, have the consciousness that he is always there even when things don't make sense to you. Praise God!

How has this year been?
What are your testimonies?
What were your struggles?
Do you still have present struggles?
Do you feel God is with you through it?
Have you allowed God teach you this year?
Have you been submissive to God's leadings?
Have you let God take over your heart?
Have you let God unconditionally love others through you?

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