Friday 10 April 2020


Today's scriptural reference is from the book of Genesis 33. Jacob committed  the gravest offence towards Esau, he took Esau's birthright. If you read what happened in the scriptures, Esau forgave Jacob and accepted him and his family. Aside forgiving and accepting Jacob, he even offered to helpand protect Jacob.

If God can be gracious to us despite how much and deep our sins were, we can be gracious to other people who offend us. Why? Because we have God in us and he is our mirror. It may not be easy but it's very possible with the help of God to forgive offences and let go of grudges.  A particular day, it was revealed to me how grudges can be a hindrance to so many things. Holding grudges against people has never been worth it. People may offend you in several ways but it doesn't make them less of value than any other person.

When you hold grudges against people, it blinds your eyes from seeing them as God sees them and as a result you can't relate with them how God wants you to relate with them. A grudge is like blindness that prevents one from seeing clearly. So many times we are made aware of how grudges are not healthy for us, which is very true but my emphasis today is to let you know how keeping a grudge will not be beneficial to the other person, because we are meant to love one another as we love ourselves.

If you hold a grudge against somebody, it's hard to get revelations from the spirit concerning this person which obviously wont be of good to this person or one may not get a clear revelation and even when things are revealed concerning that person to you, you may not be able to pray wholeheartedly for them. When you pray, what they have done to you keeps flooding your mind and it becomes a distraction and an hindrance, because you are not able to pray in love. As Christians our actions towards one another if not done in love, is useless(1 Corinthians 13). Grudges have a way of dampening people spiritually generally, it doesn't necessarily have to be in relation to the offender.

Do not wait to learn things the hard way. People will offend us, sometimes it will be unbearable, one may get angry, but dont stay in that anger. People who have lost someone they held grudges for will tell you when this person was taken away from them, they realised all the anger, grudge and hate  wasn't worth it. Some of them wished they could have reached out to this person more, some wished they could  have been there for that person. Some people even then see that the person's faults wasn't significant anyway after they passed.

No wonder the bible says pray for your enemies and do good to people who hurt you. You never know what someone is going through, so dont let a grudge be an hindrance to reaching out, forgiveness or walking in love towards another person. Infact, they dont have to go through something to deserve your love.

If you feel being close with this people can cause you to fall or isn't good for your soul, it's okay but let your hearts towards them be that of forgiveness and love and never stop praying for their souls and overall wellbeing.

This message has been laid in my heart to reach out to people with it, I dont know who it's for but do not take it likely.

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