Sunday 14 June 2020


I feel my love walk is constantly being tried and tested. And I must say that it's not easy to love someone sometimes, even loving people who constantly provoke you. It's not easy and this is what we are not told many times because we are just expected to love.

Our love walk is something we have to be intentional about. Still, we can't do it on our own, we need God to help us through it. If not, you may be frustrated. Loving people may not be easy but then, it's the foundation of our Christian walk and without love, whatever we do is absolutely invalid. Loving someone is beyond being nice to them, one can be nice and still not have love in their hearts towards the one they are nice to. The love from your heart should be the drive to do something for someone. Doing something for someone if you are being coerced to do it isn't love or coercing someone to do something for you isn't love either.  I mean it's beyond doing something for someone because you've been guilt tripped to do it.

A popular scripture about love is 1 Corinthians 13, which is a very good description of what love is. I also love to read 1 John, John says that if you don't love one another, you don't love God. If you study the love walk of Jesus while on earth, you will realise that he loved people who were “the unqualified” for love. We may not have actual pharisees and scribes who condemn and choose whom to love, but some believers still act like them. This is not to condemn anybody, but everyone deserves your unconditional love whether you think they qualify for it or not. Love isn't judgemental of a person, love is rather forgiving and should inspire people to want to know God or to want to become better people. Someone doesn't have to do anything for you to be worthy of your love. Christ did all he did for us unconditionally and because we are like him on earth, we ought to love like him.

I must add that loving someone unconditionally doesn't mean you shouldn't correct them when they are wrong or stand up for yourself when you feel you are being mistreated by someone. Please know that correction is not condemnation and speaking up for yourself doesn't have to end in chaos. For example, you go to the bank to redraw money and you've noticed the cashier is constantly rude to you, instead of holding a grudge or returning the rude attitude, you could speak to her politely but confidently about how you feel when she does that. Whatever you do, let love be your guide.

Jesus was very humble in his love walk. I mean, a master washed his disciple’s feet. After accepting God into your life, you were called to a higher place with Christ. Old or young, that doesn't mean we can't serve others. We always want to be served many times, it's a good feeling and it makes us feel respected or loved, but no matter your age, status and hierarchy in the society. What is your thought on serving someone of a lower status or age? It may not be actual washing of feet like Jesus, but as believers our lives are that of service in the body of Christ and even serving people not yet part of his body, no matter where we find ourselves. Even as a leader in whatever capacity you find yourself even if you are a leader in the home front, service is leadership basically. Love is being sensitive to know someone around you needs help and helping them.

Loving can be shown through giving but loving someone can also be by holding back from giving them something when God tells you not to because he knows it's not good or beneficial to them at the moment or it may be a drive to a bad habit in them. No matter how much emotion you may feel when you hold back. Because, it's beyond feelings.

Loving someone is beyond doing something for them to feel good about yourself or for praises. Loving someone is letting go of manipulating them for selfish reasons. A lot of us seek to be loved, but let people love you from their hearts not by manipulations. Loving someone is respecting them whether old or young. God respects each and every one of us, that's why he leaves us with choices. Also God wants you to do whatever you do from your heart for him. Loving someone is respecting their boundaries. Loving someone is willing to understand or respect how they feel about something even when it's different for you and then having a common ground rather than imposing your opinion on them. Loving someone is seeing how God sees them, seeing that everyone is valuable. Because, this will guide your actions and words towards them

It's easier to love other people when you love yourself, it's easier to love and accept who you are when you believe God loves and accepts you. It's easier to love others when you understand God loves you as a person. We didn't deserve God's love, but he didn't hold it back from us. Love is God and because we have God in us, we are love. 

Your contributions and comments are welcomed 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this beautiful piece. I once told someone who went all out of his way to annoy me that I love him in arrears. So I had forgiven him even before he offends me. Love is intentional
