Saturday 27 June 2020


This is a brief summary of Ephesians 1. The book of Ephesians generally, reminds and makes you realise who you are in Christ Jesus. You are God's rich and glorious inheritance. It gave God great pleasure to adopt you as his son.

Do not forget the Holyspirit is a guarantee of God's promises to you. The Holyspirit is your seal, he is that mark bearing witness that you belong to God. This mark is light and it repels darkness.

Christ has been given all authority, over everything you can and cannot think of and through him, we have this same authority. Infact, God wroughts his power through us. Oh! if only you knew how much power God has given to you. 

Your life on earth is that of purpose. It's a life precious to God. God loves and values you. God's heart is gladdened when he looks at you. You are like a jewel in the hands of God.

As earlier stated, you are God's great inheritance, you give God so much happiness. God wants you to live life knowing this. He wants you to have all wisdom and knowledge concerning who you are and the kind of life he's given to you, knowledge is power. The bible is there to open your eyes to the realities you have in Christ. Life is easy when you know this.

Do not say “This is not about me, maybe she's referring to a devout Christian”. Certainly, this is for you and you are loved by God. 

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