Sunday 15 December 2019


2019 has been a year! One of the toughest journeys for me. I was initially tempted to look just at how tough it was, then I thought about it and realised that though the journey was tough, God fought the battles. More like big battles and a bigger God. God has taught me so much this year, I came to realise  that indeed i can't do anything by myself and i needed God more than I thought.

When i tried  to do things alone, allowing my human wisdom to control some situations, i failed woefully. Those days when it seemed like God coming through for me may not happen or was unrealistic, he actually came through. I learnt that God was more powerful than I could ever know and that I could never measure the power of God. He works beyond our own imaginations. He knows the end from the beginning. Our wisdom alone can't take us anywhere, we always fail at it. We may find our selves in certain situations and trails but God is the one on the battle field and all we have to do is trust him with all our hearts.

I have written about my experiences above but then, I'm just trying to let you know that you shouldn't go anywhere at all without God. Sometimes you may feel you know better, sometimes fear may guard our decisions, sometimes it may feel like involving God is unrealistic, sometimes  it may feel like everything is already set to not work in our favour or it may seem like it's too late but all these are lies of the devil. God never leaves our side and he always comes through, even after we have displayed our highest level of insecurities and foolishness.

Studying the book of Exodus, I learnt so much. Most important lesson was that God orders our steps. Moses was sent by God to deliver the Israelites from their sufferings under Pharaoh. It was magnificent to see that everything worked out just as God had planned. Moses told God he wasn't going without him, he insisted he wasn't qualified to deliver his people, he nagged at God at every slightest opportunity, he was afraid, it was tough for him but when it was time for God's plans to come through, he worked mightily through Moses. God had Pharaoh's heart in his hands. What we forget sometimes is that as much as God is on our side, he is also in control of things on the opposing side, regardless of who or what is involved. Pharaoh must have thought himself to be wise. At every step of the journey, God made everything required available at the right time. It's all about trust.

I also want to remind you that God loves you wholeheartedly.
Regardless of your qualifications, actions, family prestige, accomplishments, your service in his vineyard etc. Put all of this aside and God still loves you. His love is totally unconditional and undeserving. By the reason of the death and resurrection of Christ, you've been found worthy and qualified by God so never put yourself down for any reason. Only in Christ can you find your worth not in the face of man. Please don't end 2019 without God and don't  start and go through 2020 without him, have the consciousness that he is always there even when things don't make sense to you. Praise God!

How has this year been?
What are your testimonies?
What were your struggles?
Do you still have present struggles?
Do you feel God is with you through it?
Have you allowed God teach you this year?
Have you been submissive to God's leadings?
Have you let God take over your heart?
Have you let God unconditionally love others through you?

Sunday 20 October 2019


There are times in our Christian walk with God when we don’t feel that fire burning like before. I mean, its as if your spiritual life isn't blazing. One may go or not go to church but deep down, they know they are not where they should be in their relationship with God or they just feel distant from God for whatever reason.
You wake up in the morning to pray, and it just seems like the energy to pray isn't there. It's time to go to church but then it's  like you would rather embrace your bed or go some other place. It’s quite embarrassing to admit it but it does happen.

The question is, why is it happening? I may not know all the reasons why but I can list and talk about some. This is not to judge and condemn you, but to open your eyes to see.

1. Sheer Laziness: You’ve made yourself too comfortable by continuously postponing your time with God. it has happened so much that it becomes a habit and now you see yourself making excuses not to spend time with God for no particular reason. You are in a relationship with your father and you should understand that he wants a communion with you, he wants to have a companion in you. Solving this is about building self discipline also by yielding to and obeying the voice of the Holy spirit. My last paragraph will emphasised more.

2. Distractions: This could in different forms like that interesting movie series taking all your time that you keep pushing your time with God forward. For example, you’ve spent time on that series, now its 11pm and you are tired and very stressed. Then you are like " I don’t think I have the strength to study the word and pray anymore". So you sleep or you mumble a few words of prayer and sleep off.
Distractions can come from the type of company you keep, there are friends who may not be in one accord with you. What they are after is different from what you are after and before you realise it, your priority changes because they keep coming in the way of your time with God and fellowship with the saints. You may also be too embarrassed to pray before them because you feel they will judge you for being "too spiritual " or you think they may feel judged because you are too spiritual. Your friends should know who you are from the very beginning. Strive to be a light to them instead of dimming your light to fit in. If you can’t influence their lives as a believer, stay away and with love from your heart, pray for them. The bible says in the book of acts, that the disciples  were in one accord. When you are in one accord, your aim is same. Some may keep you busy doing what is actually of no use to you while some may just be in your face all the time giving you no room to spend time with God. Are your relationships distracting you instead of encouraging you to get closer to God?

3. Trials: This one can hit one so hard that sometimes it makes you wonder if there is any need to pray. The devil may make you feel God has disappointed you and you may be so pained that you don’t want to talk to God at all. Sometimes you may face situations that may make you think prayer can’t help you, which  is an obvious lie from the devil. You may also face situations that tend to occupy you all the time that you unintentionally  forget to spend time with God.
If you are facing trials, it's tempting to keep God far but that's when you should hold him closer. We are in this body and will face trials but you should know God is with you through it, even if the trial you are facing seems like the world  is crumbling at your feet. God wants the best for you and he always will. Romans 8 says that we may face whatever we face but nothing  can separate us from the love God has towards us and in all of it, in him, we are more than conquerors. God has a way of giving us peace despite the presence of turbulence around us.

4. Schedule: You may feel your  schedule is too tight that putting prayer or time with God in it will disrupt things. It may be you just realising halfway into your day or when it's almost over that you haven't spent time with God. If you feel you are busy, God wants to be a part of that busy life. When you involve God in your life, you walk in his wisdom and by his grace. Your strength renewed in him too.

5. Condemnation: The bible says there's  therefore now no condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus - Roman's 8 vs 1. God has the power to forgive sins, no matter how bad you think it is, he has forgiven you. Forgive yourself  and move on.

There could be several other reasons which I may not know about, but your time with God is above this reasons.

As much as we shouldn't make spending time with God a religious and forced act or something you just have to do to get it done with. Understand that spending time with God is intentional. I may not know exactly what everybody’s reason who is going through this phase is but I know you have to be intentional about your time with God. Your knowledge of God opens your eyes to see more than just the ordinary or beyond what an unbeliever can see.
 As much as you pray, spend time with God in his word. Spending time with God aligns you with the purpose to which he has called you and then you know why you are here and how to fulfil that purpose with God by yourside. God is your maker, he's planned your life and ignorantly living off God's plan or will for you isn't  ideal. A product manufacturer knows why he's  made a product and if he/she doesn't  state the function of it or if the users don't work closely with the product manual and abide by its rules, that product can't  accomplish  it's  purpose. This is a mere product or a mere machine but then you are made in the image of God, to be like him and to live like him. If you don’t walk closely with him, you may never know who you are and how you ought to live. Our lives as Christians is centered around God and if you are not making God the center of your living, then you are not actually living. The bible says, in him we live and move and have our being. Please don’t miss out on fellowship with God.  I may not have stated that reason of yours but consider it, pray about it, study the word and allow God lead you right on what to do but then you have to be intentional about it. Aside going close to God just for what we want from him or when we need something, let’s get close to be filled with the knowledge of him and of who he is.

Sunday 1 September 2019


Sometime last week, one evening while taking a nap, I had a wonderful dream. It was a personal experience of God opening my eyes to realise something I apparently took for granted recently but i want to share because so many of us can relate to this. In the dream, the first scene, a gospel song video was being played. Its was a praise song by an artise who was rejoicing greatly, the song video showed several scenes of averted bikes and car crashes.  I watched and saw many careless actions or decisions made by the people in the video that could have resulted in a crash but were averted. This made me realise how often we are careless, loose control, loose our directions, go astray but God still finds a way to bring us back or save us from those circumstances. This song video doesn't  exist as a video in real life but maybe the experiences are real to some of us. Sometimes it may not be carelessness but one may just happen to find themselves in such circumstances.

Then later on still in that dream after the song video, the next scene was that of a helpless person who looked sick and was at the verge of giving up on life. Made me realise how several times we wanted to give up or we even gave up but grace was made available.

The next scene was of me going for our family yearly gathering, in the dream it was like i hadn't seen my family in over a year. I walked into the place, sat down, i was almost getting distracted by the act of my sister playfully pulling my hair, when God made me look beyond my distractions. He made me see what he wanted me to see, that we were all complete and healthy. This brought tears to eyes in the dream.  Yes all this was a dream. But then i woke up with reflection in my heart.

My reflection took me back to how much I have been complaining about things lately. How much I have been ungrateful and forgetful. I was even cranky about several things before I slept off that afternoon.  I got answered prayers to several requests, I was thankful but i still went on to point out the imperfections in them, that's what so many of us do when we receive from God instead of wholly thanking.

Sometimes things happen to us and sometimes we get so carried away that  we don't  see what God is doing for us and what he has done already. Think about it, how many things has God saved you from  this year? The ones you know about and the ones you don't  know about.
This may not be a perfect example but it is a common problem of many single people. For instance, you may be unhappy about not being in a relationship and the year is almost gone or you may be cranky about not getting what you wanted but you don't know what God has saved you from. Everything happens as God wills. Perhaps, he is trying to groom you for these things but you are not seeing it, be thankful to be groomed/taught by God, it's a previllege.

 You've  been through alot I guess, but how many times has God pulled you through it? that now you look back and wonder how it was possible to come out of it. It was all God. How many times has God been there through it all with you? Counting it may not be everything right now because it is more than you know but being forgetful is unacceptable.  Don't Get too carried away with what's happening around you that you forget all that God has done for you and your family. Remember  and be grateful. The fact that you are  reading this now says you are alive in September, be grateful to God. You are stressed, tired, depressed etc, God's got  you and this too shall pass with a testimony. Just don't stop being thankful. Complaining never solves anything.

Remembering God's faithfulness helps you remember that God has always been there for you, don't let the devil trick you into thinking otherwise. This message is not a reminder to only thank God at month ends or beginnings but to have a heart of thanksgiving at all times and seasons, when things seem to be going well or wrong.

Just take a moment to thank God today or even now with a joyous heart of gratitude.

Sunday 21 July 2019


I once saw a movie named ‘’Marshall’, it was about a white man, Mr Friedman. He found himself in a situation were he was left without a choice but to be the attorney for a black man accused of a crime in the era of strong racism and discrimination of blacks. He was an insurance lawyer but somehow was coerced into being the defending lawyer of the case. The original attorney Mr Marshall, who was black was unfairly disqualified from defending the case. Mr Friedman had his family to protect from the society that will later turn against him, a reputation (as a white to protect), and a law firm to protect. He was confused initially and he wanted to back out so many times, but he later accepted it. Against all odds (he was threatened, beaten, mocked and insulted, the presiding judge was a friend of the prosecutor’s father and seemed to favour the prosecutor somehow), and with the help of Mr Marshall who didn’t leave his side, he fought for the black man’s innocence. He tediously convinced a jury made up of just whites to rule in favour of the accused. After all of this, a life was saved and this was part of what stirred a revolution in the judiciary system to be fair when handling cases involving the blacks. He allowed himself to be led to make impact on a lot of people. Truth is, even if it was just the black man he saved, it made a difference. The movie is based on a true life story. This movie kind of reminded me of medical school, how the emotional, physical and mental stress has made so many of us wish we were studying something else instead and sometimes you may want to give up. Its indeed exhausting, but you must understand that there’s a reason why you are where you are right now.

If God wants you somewhere, he wants you there even when it doesn’t make sense to you. Unless you are certain it’s not God’s plan for you because he told you so. Currently, you may not impact a thousand souls but the ten souls you impact every step of the way counts so much. One soul is precious to God and this soul has to be precious to you too.

Even with God’s assurance, we still question if God is with us at all. Mr Marshall the black attorney wasn't allowed to say a word in court, the best he could do was write on a note for the defending lawyer on directions to take and instructions to follow in handling the case. It was fustrating for Mr Friedman to pause for instructions, take breaks, make mistakes for missing out something and for trying to do it his way but the end was good. Here we have a God who speaks to us in many ways but we still don't have faith in him because just like the defending lawyer who was the one to do the talking in court and was afraid for that despite being guided by the other attorney, we tend to get frightened because physically, all we see is ourselves going through it all. You have to understand that no matter what happens in life, you matter to God, God is with us every step of the way and he wants the best for you and that he gives. Sometimes, the preparation phase is the hardest and it may seem like you are breaking a lot but you are only getting stronger.

Let’s say it’s a different scenario where you made a wrong decision in life and the consequences come, God won’t still scrap you out of his plan, he will make something out of you with it and use it to make you better at what he called you to do.

Sometimes, because of being shaken, stressed, confused or broken, we either lose our passion, throw it away or bury it. Or we let our passion out only when everything seems to be working fine. God wants you to keep your passion burning. Passion reminds you of why you are where you are regardless of what happens, Passion helps you see what’s ahead, it’s a reminder that you are not wasting your time, but you are where you are for a reason. Passion goes a long way in making you have faith in something. Passion keeps you focused.

Always look forward to making the best out of situations, learn from things that happen, observe, listen to what God has to say about it and rise, knowing God wants the best for you. The most important thing is understanding that God is with you every single step of the way. God hasn’t looked away from you even for a second. Drop your burden at God's feet and trust his guidance. 

When it was a day to the end of this case, Mr Marshall had other duties to attend to, so he left. But before that he spoke with the defending attorney, Mr Freidman. He told him that having come this far, he has trust in him to close the case on his own and then guided him to write a good closing argument. The defending lawyer was able to do that and they won. You may be progressing from a phase to another phase and it scares you so much because you are afraid of how you’re going to fare in the next phase or you are tempted to doubt yourself. The end of a phase means something has been built or established for use for another phase.  Let me remind you that God made you and he knows every single thing about what’s ahead and where you are going. Though this black lawyer left to attend to other duties, God is there to watch over you knowing fully well that he's put something in you. lean on him and go talk to him right now.

Hebrews 13 vs 5: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

Sunday 28 April 2019


A lot of us like weddings, especially that moment when the couple are exchanging their vows, usually a teary moment for many. One thing with marriage is that the people involved were perceived as separate initially, but after the vows have been exchanged, they become one and are seen as such. The day you accepted Christ as your saviour was the day you became one with him. It's the day you became a member of his body. A body is a made of different parts  working in unison for the functioning of an individual.

Once you become the body of Christ, he has a responsibility of taking care of you or can Christ neglect his own body? No he can't. This then brings us to Ephesians 5 vs 25-29, i will make references as regard Christ and the church (his body);
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,
27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
 32 This is a profound mystery--but I am talking about Christ and the church.

Christ has saved you and has thoroughly washed you and has removed every blemish, blame or wrinkle or anything that may have made you unclean. This washing and cleansing is regardless of your story before you accepted Christ and after you accept Christ. Hence, you should live like you've been washed clean by Christ.  Even after accepting Christ into your life, you have become his body, you have become one with him, you are seen through his image and you should see yourself that way too.
29. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church. 
After you have been saved, Christ continues to take care of you. He does it by the Holy spirit at work in you, who helps you grow daily when you study his word. The spirit of God also keeps you in line with the new life you have been brought into. The Holyspirit makes you see your inheritance in Christ and understanding your realities on Christ makes you radiant.

For you as the body of Christ, just as you feel pain when hurt, Christ feels pain when you are hurt. When you have a wound on your body, the normal thing to do is to  nurse yourself back to health. When you feel sick, hurt, depressed, stressed, tired etc. Christ feels it too and he understands and he is always there to nurse you back to your feet.  One way of nursing you is to make you see what he has done already through his death and resurrection because he knows thats the aid for you, he would lead you to his word and through the word of God, there is healing for your body and soul.
You're in christ and he is in you. I mean, there is no emotion you feel that he doesn't know about, there is no joy you feel that he doesn't feel, there is no pain you feel that he doesn't feel. As much as something bothers you, Christ sees it. His responsibility is to take care of his body and you are his body. We as human beings with bodies, you know how this works.
For Christ to go ahead and die for you before you even came to the knowledge of who he is and while you were still a sinner, then do you think he still can't care for you after you've  become saved?

You were made in the image of God, and after accepting Christ, you are not just an image but you are in him and he is in you, you are him, he is you. That is why the bible in Romans 8 vs 35 says that nothing can seperate us from the love of God, you are now in Christ as his body so, nothing can remove you from Christ. Nothing can, that's why the bible goes ahead to say that our live is hidden in Christ in God. When you want to understand who you are, see yourself as one who has christ in them, not as a seperate entity, but as one with him.

 Ephesians 5 vs 29  no man ever hated his body but careth for it.


Sunday 14 April 2019


The inspiration behind today's message is a song that says "i will not be silent, i will always worship you". Now in the song, it's about worship but i'm going to broaden it. If you think about it, some great men of God you see now have one story or the other on how they struggled with accepting their God given purpose or gifts because their body makeup in one way or the other made it seem impossible to fulfil it. Their minds may also have been what was in the way.

Benny Hinn's story is about him being a stutter and not being able to speak in public. Some other great preachers like Joseph Prince have the same story but now, this men have led many to Christ with their messages. Kenneth Hagin was bedridden for years and it was said that he won't live but then God healed him.
Has the devil made you believe you are handicapped to fulfill purpose or even to live? Has he made you feel like there's nothing good you have to offer or nothing good in you? God's word is there, the devil's lies as well. But you got to choose one to believe. The negative pressure may feel overwhelming but you have to understand that the creator knows what he put in you and he made you accordingly. When you are being told by God who is incharge of the race to run and it feels like something is saying "haha...what do you think you wanna do, you can't do it". I tell you, run faster because you are strong enough to and also believe God's got you and you will see how quick and wonderfully you reach the finish line regardless of the hurdles.
See this hurdles as a way of training to make you stronger and better, it doesnt matter who put them there, it doesnt matter if words people spoke to you put them there. Philipians 1 vs 6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

It could be that you want to start a business, it could also be that you are at a point in your academic journey and you feel like backing out or you wanna give up or you feel having less is where you belong. Don't back out, keep looking up to Jesus for strength and direction to get you there.

You may have ran and fallen several times. You may even feel like you are not worthy to take on that mantle. It's you that God wants, yes you. The lies of the devil remain lies because God's truth always wins. You're are there already, don't back out, don't give up. Leave your understanding out of this because you may never understand how God is gonna do it but he will certainly. Proverbs 3 vs 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

It may be that you are believing God for something and it seems unrealistic to come to pass. God's got you and he never fails. He will do it for you as long as it's his plan for you and please know that his plan is the best.

Don't keep silent, don't keep calm, don't back out. Don't stop!

Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus because i know your strength is made perfect in my weaknesses. I am victorious because you are and i can do all things through you. Thank you for loving me. Amen

Sunday 31 March 2019


Remember the story of the two ladies and their houses before they went for a vacation. And what happened after they came back.  Here is the part two and now we are about maintenance and repair. Brother Olumide Obatuyi and sister Toluwanimi Ibikunle have shared with us what ought to be done.

The  mind is what i would like to describe as the relay system of the entire body. It is the point between our external environment and the internal emviroment which is the spirit, which is one of the reasons why it is very sensitive. It picks every signal, every impulse, every beat sent to . As a relay system, it can pick every information directed towards it. 
From the story of the ladies that went on a vacation and the states in which they left their houses, we know it's important that we guard this relay system. The truth is, that in a world like ours where there's so much useful data and garbage data flowing everywhere, filtering this things can be almost impossible. Social media, radio stations, movies, the news and every other media outlets available. Now that we know its impossible to stay away from garbage without loosing touch of the important things on these platforms, we realise that we need a higher force, a superior power which is the Holy spirit. The one we can trust to make right all things. 
With this alliance, it is easier to win this continous battle for our mind. The next important step is conciously increasing the database of edifying information. Meditate on God's word, spend time with him. By this, the information formed behind the relay system stays positive. Build for your mind a beautiful database of the God kind of information and remember to flee from the non God kind of information because it's impossible to serve two masters. Yield to the holy spirit and purge yourselves of the negatives. 
It's beautiful living in a clean house, it's a more amazing experience with a clean house. For there is therefore no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. In yielding to God's spirit and building the God kind of database, our minds are safe. 

First I must say that the entire write up is a particularly creative one. A creative write up impregnated with a vital message.
The power of the mind.
An entity no man has come very close to accurately defining but whose importance is particularly very central to the human life. 
Therefore, it is hardly surprising like you said, the bible’s insistence on it being continually renewed.
As a tripartite human (Body, Mind and Spirit), a lot depends on how a man designs the organogram of his life. A lot depends on which of the components takes driving seat. Little wonder, there’s a phrase called “Being LED by the Spirit” meaning being driven by the Spirit. 
For a Christian, a Spirit-led life is the recommended lifestyle. Reason is not far-fetched. The wisdom of God flows through the very drive of the Spirit in a man’s life.
The mind is a factory. An absolute chaos for a site (well except when ordered by the One who is Divine). 
Guard it jealously! Spiritually renew it religiously! 
In addition to and due to the fact that the contributions have covered majorly what needs to be known, I will be a bit selective of instances. My question to you is "Where does your focus lie?" Do you remember that God is your source and entirety when trials and temptations come or do you let them overwhelm your mind? Or when fear sets in and your mind is in state of unrest? Or when you feel doubtful? Once you realize who your entirety is, you will rest on and focus on the promises of God and this brings us to one of the reasons why you constantly need to renew your mind with the word of God, your faith is built up.  
Remember when Peter was walking on the sea, he lost focus and began to sink he let himself get carried away by the storm. But when he had his eyes on Jesus he wasn't sinking. Do you know that when you are facing trials and you have your eyes on Jesus, you can live happily above it and come out stronger and better. So let not your mind be troubled. 

 There is something that commonly affects a lot of people, this is words that other people say to them. Someone may say something hurtful to a person that goes a long way in attacking their self esteem which makes them question their abilities or who they are. The person's thoughts about the hurtful remark may linger and then as a result of constant exposure of their minds to them, The feelings of disbelief, anger, fears, resentment etc if allowed comes in and constant worry of whether they are good enough or not so the mind is constantly battling. 
We need to understand that the devil's lies are very unrealistic unless they are believed. 
  The devil tries to incorporate his lies into feelings to make one feel a certain way, the truth is; this feelings are deceptive they do not determine actual realities or results.  What actually makes this people succumb to what's being said about them isn't because it's true, it's because the lies have been meditated on that they eventually believe it. It's even worse when someone close to their hearts is responsible. As a result of the trust, it's easy to get hurt and it's easy to believe this lies. Even if it feels  true to you, let's say a weakness is pointed out, it doesn't limit what God is able to do with you or for you, it can't also limit you because you can live above it. God can work with it and make it a life changing story for other people who are brought to the knowledge of your story. Remember God's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. 

Do you realise who you carry in you? Because when you focus on him, you will surely keep your head up!  2 peter 1 vs 3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Hence, you are complete and have been made whole. Always remember God says you can or you are because he has sufficiently made you so.

  God's word says that he that began the good work in you will surely complete it. Forgive, keeping a grudge won't help the state of your mind. Forgive and move on. And if the source of this provocation requires you to stay away from them, do so.  As believers, our words should be seasoned with salts, that we may know how to talk to one another. Colosians 4 vs 6.

At the end of it all, the state of your mind is important, be conciously selective of the things you watch, listen to or think on. Meditate on the word of God regularly, its the light to your path. 

Guard your heart wth all deligence!

To get the full message of  "A tale of two houses", visit the part 1 of this message on the blog. God bless you

Sunday 17 March 2019


Psalm 73vs 28; But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, That I may tell of all Your works.

A relationship with God cannot be over emphasised. A lot of times we under rate it. A song writer says the holy spirit is more real than the air he breaths. It's the truth!

 A lot of people believe in the existence of God, they are Christians but it's difficult for them to accept the fact that God is actually near. Your relationship with God is based on how you see God. At this point i will ask, Who is God to you? Do you believe he is close as the bible says? Or as people testify? What is it that is hindering you from experiencing this closeness?
Have you ever felt so close to God at a point in your life then later something happens that makes it feel like God is completely far away? I mean, you concluded that when people say God is close, they are probably exaggerating it. Sometimes this can happen and then we end up keeping malice with God that it's difficult to hear him again, because we've driven him far away. God never left.
One could also unconciously keep him at a distance when they stop meditating or fellowshiping.

Just as other relationships with people needs you to spend more time with them to understand them and understand what they mean when they speak, thats how it is with God. You need to spend time with him. Just like relationships with people that requires you to be quiet sometimes to hear them speak, while spending time with God, you need to be quite for God to speak sometimes. Also, be opened to the fact that God can choose to speak to you through any means or anybody he chooses and at any time.

There are several things that can hinder us
from hearing from God. The most common is noise. There is just so much noise. Your life may just be so noisy that its difficult to actually hear when God speaks and when you go to the place of prayer, you would probably be doing most of the talking. It can be to the extent that you are just religiously talking and you are not even concious of what you are saying maybe because you believe prayer is all about you doing the talking. Imagine going on a date with someone you want to get to know and all they do is talk about themselves without giving you a chance to speak.
 Another noisy place is the mind. Sometimes, our minds are far more busy than we are physically busy.

Have you ever had a best friend? Like  a close friend you loved dearly and you felt you could completely trust? How were you two relating? How did they make you feel? Can you apply that in your relationship with God? When you have this kind of  a relationship with God, you do not necessarily need to go to the place of prayer before you can hear from him. He can just speak to you any where and anytime. God is always willing to speak but how you are opened to hear is important as well.
Please do not miss out on having this relationship with God, it is a privilege. It is so sweet and life saving. You may not realise it, but God is a total romantic! He can't actually help it😁.

Even the things you think are too absurd to talk about or ask, he wants to know about them. The amazing thing is, there is a twenty four hour access.

I don't know exactly what is stopping you from hearing from God or what it is you think is. if you can figure it out, do and pray concerning it and  if you can't, pray to him concerning it.

Study the word of God, it's the easiest and simplest way to hear from God. It's very precious.

 God's love amazes me a lot of times and his love is totally uncomparable. Go talk to your best friend
Acts 17 vs 27;
that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;

Sunday 10 March 2019


What are you focused on? A lot of people who are walking with God are not completely focused on him. They walk with God with their egos at the forefront, it may be a concious or subconcious act.

This is actually based on how one sees themselves and then their focus is shifted. They think they need something to hold on to and make them feel complete.
It can be noticed when they are serving God. What comes to their mind is; What do people think? Were they able to impress this people? Can their ego be boosted with this? Are they elevated before people's eyes by what they do? It's like using God to get approval from people or to get fame and some people don't know they are doing it.

 Don't get me wrong, it's different from when one is concerned about their works and if it reflects the righteousness of God, or how their works are able to change the heart of men and bring them to God.

As believers, our essence, existence, service and totality is in Christ. Hence, we should see our selves through Christ. That's how God sees us. We should understand that our service is to God and he sees the heart. If one's focus is based on what's on the outside, only what the eyes can see or what they think makes them complete outside Christ, once they are stripped off these things, they tend to crumble and their self esteem gets hit. For example, you are a good singer and then you wake up one morning and realise you are not able to sing anymore. What is going to be your reaction? What will you fall back on? Will you believe that you are complete?
Without those things you feel makes you who you are, will you still believe you are complete in Christ? Think about it.
These things don't actually complete you. They can be lost just as beauty fades and do not forget God always has a plan. It could also be that you think a human being is what makes you complete.
Galatians 2 vs 20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Aside seeing our completeness in other things, we may be tempted to see ourselves through our imperfections and forget that God's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. It is about seeing your self above every fleshy or physical imperfection and being focused on your perfection and identity in Christ. This is how we ought to see other people too. Colosians 2 vs 10 says; and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.

You are valuable, you are loved. You don't need to seek out something to make you feel complete because you have already been made complete in Christ. You may lose something but you haven't lost your completeness. Have faith in this, be rightly focus and rest on the completeness that Christ has given to you.

Thursday 28 February 2019


There were two friends named Joyce and Sandra who were set to go on a vacation outside the country after obtaining work leave. They were to spend three weeks in Atlanta, USA. Sandra and Joyce had separate houses they lived alone in.  Joyce granted permission to a friend who had a business to do in town to stay over at her house when she would be gone.

On the day of the trip, Joyce got to Sandra’s house as early as possible as she did not want to be late for their trip. When Joyce got to Sandra’s house, she realized Sandra had not yet packed for the trip. They had just two hours to get to the airport and the airport was 1 hour 30 mins from Sandra’s house. This left the two friends no other choice but to hurry as much as they could so they would meet up with time. They eventually got to the airport, almost late but were able to catch up.

As a result of rushing to the airport, Sandra had forgotten to close her windows and her back door (she wasn’t even aware of this) and it was raining season. She lived alone, so no one was able to help. Joyce did not have the same issue. She made sure her windows were properly closed, her doors as well and Joyce also had a friend who was to come stay at her place while she was gone.  That evening, it rained so heavily and the rained leaked into Sandra’s house especially the sitting room which was the most exposed. The furniture was soaked, the entire house as well, everywhere was quite a mess. The next day in the afternoon, the sun shone and Sandra’s house was aired, only to a small extent though. Joyce's house windows were opened at the right time by her friend who came to stay and was locked when the rain came.

For three weeks, rain leaked into Sandra’s house. By the time she came back, she was shocked and devastated by what had happened. Her furniture, even if it was aired those afternoons by the sun that shone into the room was damaged as a result of the continuous exposure to rain and it got worse. Some of her properties were swept away by the rain because the house was a bit flooded too. Her house was half empty as a result and her furniture was damaged. The power source was cut off because the rain destroyed the entire wiring of the house, everywhere was dark and cold.

Now, this story is not to scare anyone but it can be applied to our minds and this is to show how the mind works. Joyce’s house is the mind that has a lock (control) over it, it is selective of what it allows in and as a result, this mind is sound. The individual with this mind grows progressively as a result of their mindset. Let’s say the happened to be a day that Joyce’s friend forgot to close the windows and it rained into the house, she would air the wet furniture after the event and would learn her lesson then close the windows next time it rains. A sound mind may on one or two occasions may let in inappropriate thoughts, but is conscious enough to shut down these thoughts when it realizes itself and then allow only positive thoughts (positive thought has a way of airing out bad thoughts too). Sandra’s house, this mind has experienced letting in inappropriate thoughts, but as a result of lack of control or continuous exposure or the ‘’untrue good feeling’’ it brings, these thoughts keep coming in. Please note that inappropriate thoughts include lustful thoughts, fears, worries, anger or grudge, negative thoughts, etc. When these thoughts keep coming in without being filtered out, this mind is weakened progressively (for the medics, you would say it’s like a chronic disease but some experiences may not require it to be chronic though). This mind may get flooded with the negative thoughts and as a result suppress the prior positive mindset of the individual and then weaken their minds. The furniture in Sandra’s house got damaged and the house cannot function properly or be used. The individual with this mindset may become inactive as a result of a poor mindset. The individual is likely not to utilize their full potential as well for one reason or the other which may be as a result of disbelief in themselves.

Even if the exposed house did not have rain leak inside, the fact that it was opened to anything means it was opened to any stray animal or persons or even to thieves. When a mind is not controlled or exposed, stray thoughts as a result of wondering can come in and can dwell when the individual allows it. The exposed mind can become cold as a result of continuous exposure to these thoughts and just as the exposed house is after the power source is cut off, the individual becomes depressed and withdrawn.

This brings us to where the bible says we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds in Romans 12 verse 2. The mind affects the working or functioning of an individual. What the mind feeds on determines an individual’s personality. We as believers have perfect spirits but we require a continuously renewed mind. What do you think on? Are you letting yourself get burdened? Do you feel you are in bondage of your thoughts? Do not be afraid, it’s never too let to fix all of this. What’s very important is your determination and willingness to let go of this thoughts. Some thoughts may not be bad per say but are inappropriate because they eventually become burdensome. Example, when you are concerned about having a life partner that it begins to bother you every day and drive you to desperation at your own risk or you become so distracted that you are more focused about looking for a life partner in everybody that crosses your path than in pursuing what’s more important at the moment. Or being very concerned about the future that you forget to live in the present. These are important matters but it’s good that when you think about them, you pray about it, trust God and let it go while following God’s plan for your life. Next week, we will discuss fixing the exposed house and precautions to not become like the exposed house and contributions will be gotten from selected people regarding this issue.

You can also leave your contributions in the comment section on how you overcame the mind battle or your concerns regarding this.

Thank you and have a great week.

Monday 18 February 2019


Hello, I will love to assume you have read Galatians 3. This is a basic study of the remaining verses and other bible passages will come in for better understanding.

One way we can neglect the gift of God which he promised and he has kept this promise is when we choose to live by the law. One reason to decide to live by the law is unbelief in the gift of Christ to us, unbelief in the gift of righteousness by faith and rather believing righteousness comes by works. Ephesians 2:8-10a says for by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. One thing about believing your works justifies you is that when you make mistakes, you begin to work so hard with the aim of pleasing God to erase them and then you unconsciously are blinded and can’t see that Christ paid the entire debt (past, present and future). After trying to justify yourself by your works, you realize that’s it’s not enough and then you can’t forgive yourself because you feel you’ve not been forgiven when the truth is that you’ve been forgiven already! When you can’t forgive yourself, the process continues and then you begin to feel unworthy to come before God’s presence and then you live miserably. If you read the book of Leviticus, you will realize how much effort, detail and time where made to sacrifice different animals to cleanse man. As decribed in Leviticus, with all the sacrifices done (not performed just anyhow, but very detailed and carried out with so much instructions). I was wondering "and this was never enough?". The best of the animals were sacrificed. The rules and regulations put in place for living were highly selected and man was punished for even the slightest mistake made.

 The law was given by God through Moses as a result of man’s transgressions. Hebrews 10 vs 1 ''The law is only a shadow of the good things to come, not the realities themselves. For this reason, it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near’’. Verse 3 of this same chapter goes on to say that this sacrifices were an annual reminder of sins. Hebrews 7 vs 18-19 says ’’The former regulation was set aside because it was weak and useless. Verse 19 says ‘’for the law made nothing perfect, and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God’’.
From all this bible passages, it is evident that God knew man couldn’t save himself by his works. The sacrifices of animals couldn’t perfectly and permanently save man either. He knew that only him(God) was perfect enough to save man once and for all(what manner of love). Read John 1 vs 1 and verse 14.  Hebrews 1 vs 3a  says ‘’The son is the radiance of God’s Glory and the exact representation of his being.’’  Christ is God that came in our form to die for our sins. Hebrews 10 vs 10 ‘’And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE for ALL’’.  Verse 14 of Hebrews 10 goes on to say "For by one sacrifice he has made perfect FOREVER those who are being made holy’’. Unlike the annual sacrifices a perfect one was offered once and for all to perfectly and permanently cleanse us. 

Someone may now ask "Does it mean a believer should go on sinning because his sins have been covered for?’’ Romans 10 vs 17 says ‘’Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ’’. For one to have believed, they must have heard the message, had an understanding of the person of Christ and of his finished works. They should know they have a new nature, the sinful nature is gone. Once, a person receives Christ, he receives the Spirit of God that quickens him unto righteousness and he must yield to God's spirit. Hebrews 10 vs 16 says the laws of God will be put in our heart and written in our hearts. Before, this righteousness was being seek for but now it is what you are. The bible calls us the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. With this revelation, a believer can’t be a sinner because his/her name and status has been changed. Sinning is no longer your nature. God doesn’t know you any longer as a sinner, he sees you in Christ’s covering, he sees you as perfection because an exchange has been made and old things are passed away.

Another person may ask ‘’What do you then do when you find yourself doing what a righteous person should not do?’’. First of all, it’s important to fully understand that Christ has paid the price for your sins that even when you make mistakes, you understand that you can’t perform any more sacrifices because you were cleansed once and for all and you remain clean. You should understand that your cleansing was in Christ and only him can help you. Hence, look up to Christ. The spirit of God is always willing to guide us and it’s important to yield to God’s spirit at work in you. Be willing to his spirit and soon you will only hear the voice of God. The spirit of God reminds you of your nature when you are going out of line (note that he doesn’t condemn you but he disapproves). The word of God is more than efficient to renew our minds and when our minds are renewed, our thinking is renewed and then our actions. Meditate on, study and proclaim the word over your life. The word of God doesn’t go unaccomplished.
When one recently accepts Christ into their lives, they are righteous but coming into the full knowledge of who you are and what you have in Christ is a process that you must be committed to, majorly by studying the word of God. Proverbs 4 verse 18 says'' The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day''.
Finally, trust in the finish works of Christ. Understand what your nature is all about and know that God doesn’t see you as a sinner regardless and that the righteousness of God is at work in you.
Verse 27 of Galatians 3 says that we are being baptized into Christ, it means we are being initiated into the totality of Christ. Being seen as Christ, there is no more differentiation regardless of race, tribe or gender. We all are joint and equal heirs with Christ in the kingdom

The purpose of this is to help you understand what Christ has done so you can willingly accept a relationship and partnership with God. God bless you!

Thursday 14 February 2019


Happy new year everyone, i'm so excited about this new year and for everything God has in store in us.

Today, we study mainly the book of Galatians chapter three (3) and the first four verses for part 1 of this message but subsequently, other reference bible passages will come in. I encourage you to look up the bible passages.

As believers, partnership with God is inevitable. We are now in partnership with God. Christ came and died, he resurrected victoriously to crush that hedge and make us sons who work in partnership with God. Once we've accepted Christ into our lives, we receive the Holy spirit and we no longer walk by ourselves but with the Holy spirit.The reason for the person of the Holy spirit, aside other things is to be our guide. He guides us into understanding God's word and how to work by it and he reveals to us his will. The Holy spirit guides us into the revelation of the person of Christ (when you seek to know Christ, you seek to know more of who you are. If you are not living up to that, by the working of the spirit you are consciously made to live up to that revelation).

Maybe it has happened that in our walk with God. When the tides comes, we loose focus of the companionship of the Holy spirit. The truth is, the Holy spirit is the person you need when everything seems to be going wrong or out of place, when it feels like you are loosing focus or when you feel like involving him may waste your time concerning a particular matter. If you feel you are loosing focus and the Holy spirit is kept away, you tend to loose focus more because he is actually the guide you need. You may know the path that you should walk in but if you do not know how you should walk, you walk blindly and will never really get to your destination. At a point, diversion may occur to a totally wrong path.

Sometimes, we want to validate that the way we do our things are more proper, especially when it comes to our own efforts. When we are immersed in this thinking, we tend to disregard the spirit of God. Or it could happen that the spirit of God has given us focus on how to go about something but our self validation on how it should be done comes to play and we end up beating around the bush before, eventually getting to the destination.  Afterwards, frustration comes in because we tend to struggle. God wants a partnership and wants to do things with us but sometimes doing it by ourselves is the only way it makes sense to us.

One way in which the spirit of God guides us is by teaching us. Many people do not love the process of being taught because it involves correction which may be intense at times and it may involve taking a step at a time or those who allow themselves to be taught do not take note and are not observant, they are just passive learners. When we actively partner with God, we tend to be very alert and then we have a revelation of what God wants to do next. I'ts possible that as a passive learner, you may not be alert to know when God wants to involve you in something or even when it is laid out clearly, you may not see it and even when seen, you choose to ignore. Life is much easier and more peaceful when you partner with God.

Human intelligence is good but it is limited. When you are led by the spirit of God, you will have insight that human intelligence cannot grant. People who have experienced this can testify.

Hence, when walking with God, be an active learner not a passive learner.
Finally, you should ask yourself this ''Am i actively or passively walking with God?''.

By next week, we will continue from here with the part two of this message.