Thursday 9 November 2017


Today I will be writing about spiritual growth. This will include personal teachings by the Holy spirit and excepts from Pastor Abel Damina's wednesday meeting teaching. 

Spiritual growth doesn't mean the spirit grows, because the spirit that you received is already perfect. Spiritual growth cannot be mentioned until there's a new birth. 

Spiritual growth has to do with growing increasingly in the knowledge of Christ and your responsibility as a believer. Increase in the knowledge of your identity in Christ. 

The question now is, Where does spiritual growth happen? Spiritual growth happens in the mind of the regenerated man. The mind is the center of knowledge, this is why emphasis is made more and more on knowledge because that is where spiritual growth is.
Romans 12 vs 2:
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

The extent of the renewal of your mind is the extent to which you have grown spiritually.  Read further 2nd corinthians 3 vs 18.  

The word of God is the diet for spiritual growth. 2nd Timothy 3 vs 16-17: 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

 Spiritual growth entails growth in the spirit of your mind - the attitude of your mind. Ephesians 4 vs 23: And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. 

Changing, altering or repositioning the attitude of your mind. The attitude of your mind also involves how you see yourself as a believer. Spiritual growth is evident in the working of your mind. A spiritually mature person minds the things of the spirit. Romans 8 vs 5: For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit, the things of the spirit.

Growing to maturity enables us to do the work of the ministry. 

The mind is powerful in relation to the body. The attitude of the mind or state of the mind determines what the body does or what expressions the body displays ( that is why when one worries, the eye dims). The mind involves our thoughts which can be reflected in the activities of a person. If the mind is configured to be pessimistic, the body may respond in that direction. If a person believes he or she cannot perform a particular task or they believe doing those things may not produce the result they should, the body sees it as an instruction to avoid them and so there's no progress. 

The mind is the strength of the body, that is why what the mind feeds on is important. The most important food for the mind is the word of God, studying the word and speaking forth over your life. The word of God is powerful to change one's state of mind, thoughts and actions.The Holy spirit works in an individual to the understanding of the word of God. The word of God enriches your mind and so you grow spiritually. The word of God reveals to you truth because it is truth. The word of God makes one aware of the power they have in Christ. 

The gateways to the mind are the eyes and ears. The important thing about this gateways is that what goes in can be controlled. What one reads or listens to is important. Sorround yourself mostly with individuals who are in one accord with you, that is why fellowship is important. When you study the word of God in fellowship, there's giving and taking. Also worshipping and feasting in fellowship is good. 

Thursday 5 October 2017


So last night, I just kept thinking of how much the years have gone by. You know, its one of those things you think about when your birthday is near. My birthday is coming up this October and before last night all I could think about was doing a photo shoot.  But last night, I felt different. I realised I had plans, some I've started and I have been sleeping on and some haven't been put to work yet. I felt somehow about it. I thought I would have felt better if I had done this things at this present age, yea...but you know 28 of Oct is already here and this present age is PASSING. So I was like "Okay, you need to start working on them now, you're still gonna feel good, Infact much better about it when you accomplish them". Just finish what you started and start what you didn't start.

I have plans and visions which are quite big but I realised visions wouldn't make you big no matter how big they are until they are visualised with the physical eyes  rather than the mental eyes.

I'm  thankful for how far I have gone this year, Honestly, it's been challenging but I know it's been a really successful one. Though I have lagged behind somehow. I'm still very thankful.  I started with having visions in September through December. Some of them seemed impossible to achieve especially when I had to consider several factors (which by the way was a big lie, you can achieve anything you want to). Looking back I've accomplished most of them. I thought i wouldn't be able to take up a leadership mantle of being an Editor-in-chief of Abuad Medical Students Association due to several reasons (too many reasons or excuses not to try something will only make you blind to the fact that it's possible ). I refused to give up on that dream. It wasn't easy but it was worth it. There are so many things I have done and trust me, if I had to listen to certain people tell me I couldn't, self doubt or other people's doubt about themselves I wouldn't be able to do them. I'm stronger than last year, much happier, my eyes have been opened to certain truths, I've stood up for myself than I would have before, more confident and trust me I've learnt alot. I've followed several paths God has been stretching his hands to show me since, I've made progress in fiction writing. All this is because I told myself, you gotta get things done.

I'm still climbing the ladder, trust me there are rough edges. Some days you may not even want the sun to see your face because of challenges but you gotta tell yourself something  " if I have to glow, I need to step out there, right under the sun, let it shine on me and make me glow before the world.

You gotta try once, try twice, try again and again and keep trying till you get there . God has put it in you, Just get up and get things done!

I had alot to handle late last year and this year, but also I realised I had enough time on my hands to finish some things I did start and start a new hobby I didn't start. I have a writing competition to enter for and it's due this October but I have not submitted my piece yet because, I have been waiting for the right time to do it. The truth is i have had several right times. Something really scared me when I realised I haven't actually made use of the time I had so I said to myself.

" Hope I don't wake up one day when I can't move my legs easily and get myself off the bed smoothly like the good young days and realise my dreams are still bottled up in a corner of my mind" This is October, soon November and then December. You are never too old or too young to start something, Youthfulness most of the time is about the mindset not physical qualities and also know your mindset actually can make you young on the outside.
2 Peter 1 vs 3 "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness".

If God has given you several gifts and visions then put them to work. You can do it, God wouldn't give you something you can't handle or do. You're a King/Queen. Most importantly, let God lead and show you the way and keep holding his hand through all of it. Get up and get things done!

Thursday 7 September 2017


When I was writing my MB examination for a particular course "Physiology". I went through the first page of my MCQ'S (Multiple choice questions) and I didn't know a thing on that page. I went through the second page, out of about 10 questions I knew just two. I was careful not to tick the wrong answer too because there's deduction of mark for a wrong answer. I went through the third page and I didn't know what to tick too. I called out to God "Olowogboboro you are the one writing this exams not me". I thought to myself that it was impossible for God not to know anything because God is all knowing".  I read for that examination but I knew that even if I had remembered it wasnt by my intellect but God. Fear presented itself but I refused it and I spoke in tongues then moved on to the next page. I answered the next and last pages smoothly. I wasted so much time on the first three pages earlier as I had no idea what to write so by the time i was on the last page, people were submitting and a number of them already left the hall. It was almost time to submit, so I went back to the first three pages I could not answer and I realised the answers came, it was easy so I thought "What?how did I not know" but immediately I knew God was the one doing it. He showed up! 

Also, during my biochemistry examination. My mcqs went smoothly then came theory. I didn't know some part of question one, i had no idea of the second, I knew the third and three others well. We were to answer five out of seven. I knew the third question so i began to write but, I couldn’t pin point my facts accurately (very weird thing to happen). I knew the answers but I just couldn't place it ( i just started laughing to myself because it shouldn't be...What a joke!). I've had issues understanding this course in the past but I came to understand it very well by God's grace. It happened that in the exams hall with all that went on, it just came to my mind that i've had issues understanding this course in the past so I panicked a bit at first, but I got hold of myself. I knew I wasn’t writing on my own, so I started writing by faith. I wrote like i knew what i was doing (when your are confident about who lIves in you). After writing, i realised my biochemistry exam work was the neatest of all the previous papers I had written. I was amazed, because at first I couldn't arrange my work, even the diagrams were almost misplaced but i got them right. I just kept writing without looking back or checking. At the end of that paper, my writing was clear, readable, neat and arranged. God showed up. In addition to this, I left out important points, I forgot some diagrams due to the short time i had left but this is the course I scored highest among the four courses. Though it was the one I was worried about when I shouldn't have!  

This brings us to  Mark 5 vs 21-43. Jarius a ruler of the synagogue came to Jesus concerning his daughter who was ill at the point of death. Jesus couldn’t go at that exact time because of other miracles that took place (The woman with the issue of blood being healed etc). Someone from Jarius' house came to meet him at the place he was with Jesus to tell him his daughter died but Jesus said to him "DO NOT BE AFRAID, JUST BELIEVE". Certain things may happen in  your live, they may leave you wondering if God is with you at all or if God was even there from the beginning. You know what, think of that case as one in which God is going to show up to show off and do not be afraid. He has a plan, he will make something big out of it. God will never leave you or forsake you. Infact, he lives in you and is greater than what is in the world. He is not a runaway God. When Jesus got to this man's house finally, he saw people crying outside over the girl said to be dead and Jesus told them she wasn't dead but asleep. The people ridiculed him when he said that. You may be ridiculed for trusting God over a matter because people think it's too late or beyond God. It's not over until God says so. Nothing is beyond the Omnipresent. He will use your case to change their thinking and draw them close. He is the controller general of the entire universe. God's outstretched hand is long enough to lift you out of any thing no matter how deep. The God of the eleventh hour shows up in style to show off. He makes testimonies out of situations. When Jesus went into the room, he commanded with authority for the child to rise and she rose. People were amazed. As a believer, you see things the way God sees things. Jesus said she was sleeping not dead. She may have seem dead to the carnal eyes but the spirit eye saw her asleep. How do you choose to see it? That's what makes you different, that is why you have the power to speak what you want to see over a situation, that's why when it looks like its dead to the carnal eyes, to you it is filled with life because Christ paid the price to make it so. He is that God the wind obeys, the God death submits to. Yes! His power extends into the supernatural and beyond.  His rulership is limitless. Those problems have submitted to the authority of Christ. Nothing is too little, too big or too hard for God. He is the only ruler who takes into consideration the littlest of things as far as it concerns you. Praise God!

Thursday 29 June 2017


From beginning man has been part of God's plan, even before the earth was created. You have been chosen by God. Ephesians 1 vs 4 "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love"

The bible in 1 peter 12 vs 20, says that Christ was forordained before the foundations of the world but was made manifest in the last times for you and I. Revelations 13 vs 8 makes it clear that Christ was slain from the foundation of the world. You are probably wondering how this is related, you are the reason why that happened. God had a purpose for man before he made man, he wanted you to have an inheritance. You wouldn't be able to fulfill your purpose if Christ wasn't slained for you. For God to make you in his image says alot. This just shows you are special and loved by God.

Before you were born, you existed in God's plan. He saw you. You were predestined and chosen for a purpose. No one on earth is a mistake, both the believers and unbelievers. You have a special place in God's heart. You were not born at the wrong time too. The very minute you came forth from the womb was planned. Jeremiah 1 vs 5
"Before I formed you in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained  thee a prophet unto the nations".
God formed you just perfectly with all you need to fulfill your purpose.

From Jeremiah 1 vs 5, We can see that we've already been sanctified (prepared, dedicated, consecrated, procliamed, equipped) for our callings before we were born.
You are not under qualified for it. Your calling is not too big for you, you are more than able for the task.  Read 1 Samuel 16 vs 7,10,12,13.
7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart".
This was when Samuel thought the older, taller and bigger sons of Jesse were the ones called. Size, looks or age isn't a criteria for God. Jeremiah thought he was not qualified to fulfill his calling as a prophet but God is never too early or too late when he calls a man. If you feel too old he will give you vigour and renew your strength. If you feel too young, he will make you fearless and your words and actions will be more than that of a child. When God gives you the mantle, you can do anything. He will put the words in your mouth to speak and guide you on and when to speak. God calling you is him authorising you. Your calling is beyond your Job or degree. 

Accepting Christ into your life makes you justified and righteous. Your calling can only be fulfilled or accomplished when you have Christ. The Holy spirit who is an evidence of your recipient of Christ guides, leads, teaches, encourages and comforts you in the course of your calling. He begins with you too. Without Christ you can do nothing. You may have been predestined for a purpose but if you don't receive Christ into your life you can't accomplish it.
John 15 vs 4-5
4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15 vs 8
8 This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Colosians 1 vs 27
27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
When you have Christ, the Glory of God is revealed in you.

If you feel you don't have a revelation of what your calling is, ask God to reveal to you and he will. Also, know you have what it takes. If you feel you are not going far enough in the area you were called to or you've been in your calling for years but nothing to show for it, hold on to God, pray for more of him and stay in his rest. Every journey starts from somewhere. Being called is a journey, you need to hold on to God patiently and let him take the wheel. John 15 vs 2a "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away". The greek word for "taketh away" in this context means to support, to lift up or take up, to strengthen, to bear and to anchor. God strengthens and supports you to become fruitful because that has been the plan from the beginning. 

 Never compare your journey to another person's, the calling might seem similar but trust me there's why yours is unique and requires you for the job. 

 When the time for Jesus to be crucified was nigh, while praying in the garden he prayed for the cup he was to drink to pass him according to the Father's will and the angel of the Lord appeared and strengthened him- Luke 22 vs 42-43. Days may come when you face some challenges or trials in the line of your calling just look up to God. If he called you to it he will see you through it. He is the one who sustains the throne. 

2 Timothy 4 vs 7

7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Friday 16 June 2017


You've probably thought about certain things that happened in your life in the past, for alot of people going down that lane brings a whole lot of regret or pain.
It could be what you did and you can't forgive yourself for, you wish it was done differently or you wish it had happened differently. That situation may have had a really strong impact in your life and made you go down the drain. It may be a bad growing up experience. It could be some kind of hurt from people you trusted or  from a complete stranger.

The devil tries to hold alot of people hostage with their past especially through their minds, if they allow it. Some even believe this repercussions means they are paying for their past and they end up having no peace or are not happy with thier lives. When you give a lot of consideration to a painful or regretful past, manifestations show forth. Letting the devil in can affect your focus in life and affect your focus in the place of prayer. 

Have you ever played a prank on someone, maybe you lied to them that they had something scary on thier hair or clothes or behind them and they completely freak out because of the fear of being harmed. Only to laugh it off and tell them it was just a prank! That's the game the devil tries to play with our minds concerning the past. You freak out about your past and you carry this burden around refusing to let go.
Romans 6 vs 6-8

6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

7 because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.

8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.

Once you've accepted Christ into your life, you are brand new, not adjusted. There is a difference between cooking a new pot of soup and warming stale food.
2 corinthians 5 vs 17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
Your old self died with Christ and he gave you a new one. The past is erased completely.  Go into God's rest knowing this. Stop raising your hands to carry a burden that already been lifted from your head. You will only get your hands cramped!

You can't pay for something in which evidence of its occurrence isn't there. You are not gonna pay for that past. God is so loving and gracious. You don't have that past anymore, who ever had that past went with it. Even if the world is pointing fingers at you. If the Devil can't get into your mind he tries to do it through the world. Jesus already declared you discharged and acquitted from all accusations and that makes you free and innocent. Even if you sin while in Christ,  God doesn't hold it against you because you've been made righteous through Christ. Romans 4 vs 8 says "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not count his sin against".

Jesus needed(had ) to pass through Samaria according to the bible in John 4. Why do you think so? Because a woman with a past needed to be made anew and leave behind  her burden. She needed redemption. She was indeed made new without condemnation. She was continually thirsty and burdened because she didn't drink from the right source but Jesus didnt just give her the living water he made a living spring in her that she might have no cause to want and that spring flowed through and people in her community drank from it. That's how precious we are to God. He would go miles for your redemption. He so loves you. This is grace!

You may have been hurt by several people in the past and this hurt has stopped you from moving on, the anger, tears etc. Isaiah 43 vs 18-19
18 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
God will make use of your hurt and pain to do great things in your life and give it a turn around.  After Joseph was brutalised by his brethren and sold into Egypt. God used that situation to make a way for him and elevate him. Infact when his brethren visited Egypt to buy food, he saw them and cried because he was hurt but he forgave them and reassured them that God used that situation to send him ahead of them for the purpose of that famine in the land and to save lives, according to Genesis 45 vs 5. Joseph was the most honorable man in Egypt at that time. Consider the story of Daniel, Esther. Shedrach, Meschach and Abednego were thrown into the fire but God was in it with them. God is in that pain with you to work things out for your favour. Just forgive and let go because the spirit of Christ dwells in you and with that spirit is exceeding love that you should extend to the people who hurt you. Esther had a story she hid from the king. The enemy Haman tried to use it against her and to hurt her people but the God who sits on the throne with full control over earthly kings used the revelation of that story and Haman's intentions to save her people, Esther 7.
The devil might want to use that hurt and anger to hold you down and give you unrest but God wants rest for you. You deserve to be free. The people who hurt you might even be going around free so why carry some burden caused by another? Let it go.
Pray for them. Praying for them will lead them to Christ. It will help you let go and forgive them easily. It fills you with strength and peace to move on and most importantly rekindle love for this people. Your kind act of forgiveness can lead someone to Christ. Isn't that a good thing?
I pray that the broken hearted and the burdened ones will receive God's rest and healing. Amen

Friday 9 June 2017


 I trust you all had a wonderful week.

In the book of Mathew 8 vs 5-13, a Centurion came unto Jesus beseeching him to heal his servant who was sick. The centurion understood and had the revelation of the lordship of Jesus over all as a man of authority himself. He understood Jesus did not have to come all the way to his house for what was troubling his servant to obey. He just needed to speak a word and that was it. Philipians 2 vs 9

9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,

10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Lordship according to the dictionary means a position of dominion, power, control and authority. It also means to reign

For example, if a governor needs to favour a person he doesn't necessarily need to go all the way to another location to work things out, he can write a letter and sign it or stamp it or both. It is enough to get the people in that location to obey and favour this person accordingly. A phone call is enough too. The order dare not be disobeyed because there will consequences. If this describes the power of an earthly authority then consider the authority in the name of Jesus, it can't be disregarded, there are fatal consequences. In the former days, a ring from a king as a seal could signify authority as in the case of King Ahasuerus, Queen Esther's husband when he wrote letters to the various provinces. 

When someone receives Christ into thier life, they now live in the authority in the name of Jesus. They have a seal which is the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit backs this authority/office. 1 corinthians 12 vs 3
Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.

Do you understand the authority you function in?

Remember when the scribes, pharisees and some other people came to arrest Jesus led by Judas iscariot. When he asked who they wanted and they replied "Jesus of Nazareth", Jesus said "I am he" and the people who came to arrest him drew back and fell to ground. He revealed his person and authority and they fell under that anointing. John 18 vs 5-6

From the example i gave , In the case of a man sent by a governor, if he forgets the authorising letter with the signature or stamp then he is on a fruitless journey. If he carries the letter and refuses to show it because he has no faith in it, then it is a fruitless effort. For example too, If the actual son of the governor himself decides not to walk in that conciousness of who he is as a governor's son or disregards this fact, he might not be able to function in this authority compared to the one who regards it, accepts it and understands who his father is, his name and place in the state and also walks in this conciousness. He will function better in this authority. Infact, alot of times he will not request for things to be done and they will be done. Nobody dares disregard or mistreat this particular son.

The sons of God who are heirs must know and understand  who they are in Christ. You dare not be messed with, there are consequences. The Father will always watch out for his own. Believe in God and rest in his authority. Understand the authority you function in and know he has given you his name to function in. Mathew 28 vs 18-20
18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

19 Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in THE NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I AM WITH YOU  always, to the very end of the age." Amen

Note the places in between the verses I used capital letters. When you function in the name of Jesus, have the revelation of the authority in it.

In the book of Exodus chp 7, When God sent Moses to Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. God made Moses a god over Pharaoh, that was the authority Moses functioned in to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt. Pharaoh did not obey till the last minute and there were fatal consequences. That is how precious God's children are to him. God has made you a god over that situation, work in that conciousness.

Back to the Centurion, when Jesus spoke a word of healing concerning the Centurion's servant. The Centurion went home believing the word and that it was a command which was enough to change that situation. God has spoken over your life and situation, realise this and go into his rest knowing his words has broken bounds. Embrace the word of God and believe in the authority in it. The words God speaks are commands over your life, it carries power. This is why you have the bible to study, confess it and see it work for you. You sit with Jesus were he sits so you sit above all. Christ made this possible. 1 john 4 vs 17 "In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him". You are like Christ in this world. Study the word of God and embrace it. Believe his word has healed all part of you, believe you are the righteousness of God through Christ. The one who sits at the highest place has spoken this words over you. Jesus spoke and calmed the tempest (Mathew 8 vs 26). Creation obeys! Everything thing or being does too. Psalm 99 vs 1

 1. The LORD reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake.

Make sure to read Revelations 17 vs 14,
I Timothy 6 vs 15. Have a blessed weekend!

Tuesday 30 May 2017



The cracks are many

Hard to absorb, hard to resolve 

The path is long

Hard to cover, hard to run through  

Seems uneasy but easy                 

Adequately, on standby                                   

Has Abba been

I walked through the cracks 

And my feet didn't crack 

I look back on the path 

Surprised to have gone a long way 

The way ahead  seems far

I still worry about the cracks ahead 

But I’m gonna walk to get ahead 

Like they never were there 

I've mused, refused and been fussy 

But his loving grace has been copious 

My hands he never lets go 

Still, he squeezes in affirmation of his love 

Ahead of me he goes 

Ahead of me he has worked it out 

I shall hold on to my Abba's hand of rest 

To my destination of purpose 

Yep! It's a new month. Happy new month beautiful people. God has gone ahead of you this month. 

I was reading an anatomy text on tuesday evening, I had a lot to read for my upcoming exams of which the date is not certain yet, so it could be announced anytime. I was a bit worried, this is just a part of the story as I've had other challenges this week. I thought about everything and realised God's hand has been evident in my life and his continuous assurances too. I decided to just let him drive while I sit back, relax and remember the sky is beautiful. That was the night I wrote the poem above by inspiration. Come to think of it, I remember several times when I am tempted to worry about something and I hear God telling me clearly " So how has worrying helped you? tell me. I'm still here you know" . Funny right? but true.

Maybe, you just finished NYSC and you are wondering "What's next?" , You just got a new job and you are so worried how the journey will be, you are about to get married and you feel so anxious about it, you are about to be a parent and you are so scared of failing or how you are going to provide for your child. Maybe you are about to graduate and you are scared of how life will be after that. You could be in a stage of transitioning from one point of your life to another. It could be financial challenges and you are worried about what you are going to eat tomorrow or you have a situation that you can't tell anyone about or you think no one can understand and people will think you are crazy. Trust me, God understands all of it! 

Mathew 6 vs 25-34

25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?

26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

This is all I can put here. Read till verse 34. If God brought you this far, he can take you through it. Thank him for how far he has brought you and relax.

A particular night I was browsing through YouTube for messages. I came across Pastor Steven Furtick's message  "When anxiety attacks". He talked of how overwhelmed he was during the Elevation church ten years anniversary week, he worried if he had what it takes to take the church to a higher level the next ten years. He said it was common among leaders who have walked with God after reaching a certain level to feel pressured about taking the church or ministry to another level.

 "I don't know if I have what it takes to take this church to a higher level" that's what he kept thinking. He prayed to God about it, read the scriptures and then God spoke to him  "The letter in the center of the word anxiety is an "i" which is your pride. You are at the center of your anxiety, you think you can handle everything yourself. Listen to yourself when you worry, all you said was "I can't, I don't know if"  its been I, I and I. You are not the one who sustains the throne I (God) do. Humble yourself and give me the upper hand".

Men choose to bear weights they are not meant to bear. God also asked him if he had what it takes to take the church through the last 10 years and that he God was the backbone of the church the last 10 years not him Pastor Steven. So there was no need to worry. After that God went ahead to say the letter in the center of the word pride is an "i". Man's pride was a major reason why they worry about so many things and that man's pride won't let him surrender all to God. One of the reasons why we are anxious is because we refuse to be obedient and cast all our anxiety on God. Once you surrender, your pride and anxiety goes. Never be anxious in an attack too. He gave this scripture 1 Peter 5 vs 7-8

6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Finally, I want to let you know Christ bore your burdens on the cross. He was thirsty for all your burdens on the cross, to finish and put an end to it. If God protected you in the womb even when you were not conscious of yourself, through childhood and then adulthood. What can't he do? In fact, if he saw you through yesterday and this is another day, what can't he do? I was praying one day, I lifted my two hands up in surrender to God. He told me "If a child is in need of his/her mother's care or attention or they want to get away from what they perceive to be danger, they lift up their hands as a sign to be carried. When you surrender to me when you have challenges that's how I see it. I will carry you through it, you are my child and I will always protect you. Allow me to." I believe this message is for someone. Just drop it at his feet and walk away free. 

I pray that everyone of you reading this will accept God's rest for you. Amen.

Friday 26 May 2017


Hello awesome people!

As Christians, is it possible to have the zeal (passion, fire burning for God) without having it according to knowledge? Yes it is. Romans 10 vs 2
As a believer understanding who God is, is important. A desire or zeal towards something/someone should make you want to know more. In other to really know, you have to come in terms with understanding it or them and how they function because, it is possible to have a zeal without proper grounding knowledge, this can result to a whole lot of misunderstanding, misleadings and mistakes. 

It's important as Christians to have that longing and readiness to understand who God is. A lot of christians are scared of going deeper in thier faith because they think the deeper you go, the more challenging or difficult it becomes, so they remain lukewarm. That's the lie of the devil. The deeper, the less challenging life is and the more richly adorned you will be with the knowledge of the beauty of God. More revelation of who God is beautifies your life more.
To know God more, we have to let the Holy Spirit guide us in this path and open our spiritual eyes of understanding. Never lean on your own understanding or let rational thinking lead you or your mind guide you.This applies to reading the bible as well. Proverbs 3 vs 5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;". When the spirit of God is teaching you, make yourself teachable and ready to learn. Do not rationalise with the mind or fleshly thoughts. This is where alot of issues arise from misunderstanding the bible, especially if it doesn't suit the worldly intelligence, it disregarded and interpreted carnally. It's worse if this misinterpretation is relayed to followers. That is why it is important to study the bible personally. God's word might seem unreal to the flesh but it is more real than we think. God is spirit, so working in the flesh is a limitation, you won't understand how God works. In order to fully access the blessings from the word of God, you need an understanding of the word. Pray for revelation knowledge and let the spirit of God guide you.

When we read or hear the word of God, we have to believe in our hearts what we've heard and then confess it. Activate it in your spirit through confession. It doesn't matter what the situation or circumstance is at that moment, the word of God works things out. Regardless of what the world is saying about that situation.
When God told Abraham to leave his country, kindred and his father's house to a foreign land with great promises attached. Abraham obeyed God, check Genesis 12. His kindred or the people around him must have thought he was foolish or insane for obeying and believing God. It must have seemed unrealistic, but it was God's word and command. When Abraham eventually arrived Canaan, there were challenges (famine) and other set backs. At this point, most people might think they heard wrongly or God probably told them wrongly and turn back but, he is that God that will allow you pass through fire and come out unhurt. After all of that, God blessed Abraham that till today, it beats man's imagination. One important thing to consider again is OBEDIENCE with believing and confession of the word of God, we must obey God's instructions when he speaks to us.
The resources at the beginning might be small, the way may seem rough, you may fall a couple of times, it might not go how you thought it will go at first, but know God is right there holding your hands and lifting you through it. God is not that father who will abandone us or get distracted to guide us through. "It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8.

Another thing is to be PERSISTENT, be persistent in your believing, confession, obedience and prayer. Even when that sickness stares you in the face, be persistent in refusing it. Refuse to settle for anything less than what God has planned for you.

You are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus, 2 corinthians 5 vs 21. It is not through your works or you trying to make yourself righteous before God or seem righteous to people, Christ has made you righteous, it is sealed. God knows you are righteous because you've accepted Christ. Romans 10 vs 3. Trying to or believing you can make yourself righteous is not submitting to or accepting the righteousness Christ has given to you. This is unbelief in the work which Christ has already done. Christ fulfilled the law, you don't have to fulfill it. You are righteous through faith in Christ.
According to John 3 vs 16, God SO loved us and sent his Son to die for us. It's not something you and I worked for. It's grace. God's saving grace is not based on your works or limited to your shortcomings. Jesus paid the price!. When you are in Christ, you are new, old things are erased completely like they were never there. No matter the fingers the world points at you, you are righteous as far as you have Christ. God's promises are true, his word never fails! God is in love with you.

Thursday 18 May 2017


Genesis is the first book of the bible, Genesis 1 entails of God's creation of Heaven and Earth. There was a reason why the account of Creation was revealed. It wasn't just about having knowledge of how the Heavens and the earth were made, it also gives us deep insight about God's plan for man and a revelation on how man can fulfill God's plan for him.

God made the Heavens and the earth. Therefore, it means everything in Heaven and on earth belongs to God and is under his authority. This might not be a perfect example but i hope it helps. A man buys a piece of land and then builds a house on it. It means, he is in charge of that property and he is responsible for the regulation of the activities in the house and the people who live in it. The children of the man have authority as well through their father except he disowns them or doesn't include them in his Will. God after making the earth, everything in it and right after making man, gave everything under the authority of man to watch over, possess and subdue. You and i are in charge! that's the good news. Right from the beginning, God made us to be in charge of everything.

Everything was planned out. Sin came in and there was a strain, man was still given power but that power was greatly limited. The relationship God had with man was strained too. Christ came to bridge that gap, he came to reconcile us to the Father. Through Christ we became the sons of God, through Christ we have an unlimited authority. We are joint heirs with Christ in the kingdom. Everything was planned out. Man in the beginning was placed in Charge of the earth but Christ's death, resurrection and ascension into Heaven to sit at the highest place, where we now sit with him has made our authority unlimited beyond earth because we are now Sons. We have everything. When he ascended, we ascended with him, this shows our authority is beyond earth. The place we sit with Christ is the highest level. Christ is sited at the right hand of the father, we sit with Christ there, that's the highest place.

In order to effectively operate in this son ship, we need the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit is our guide and comforter, he leads us right. The Holy spirit knows the mind of God and works ahead for his manifestations. He is a conveyer of the presence of God, he makes the presence of God real to us. According to Genesis 1 vs 2, the Spirit of God stirred the surface of the water and then God said ''Let there be light'' and there was light. The Holy spirit is like a seal and evidence that we have received Christ. The Holy spirit came upon the disciples during Pentecost and gave them power to do the work in which Christ sent them to do, Acts 2 vs 1, Romans8 vs 2. The spirit is a stirrer for manifestations, he teaches, restores and works in us, for us and through us. As sons of the Kingdom, we need to obey and follow his guidance for our effectiveness.

God spoke the earth into form. To be effective as a son, deep rooting in the word of God is very important. The word of God reveals the mystery of God. The word of God makes us knowledgeable of kingdom principles and ways, it reveals to us how deep God's love is, it gives us awareness of everything, It enlightens us of our place through Christ, One of the major ways God speaks to us is through his word. John 1 vs 1 " In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God". The word was there in the beginning. vs 14 ''The word became flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father) full of grace and truth - John 1 vs 14. The word is Christ, he is the truth. We need to know the word, speak the word and act the word. John 1 vs 3;''through him all things were made, without him nothing was made that has been made''. The word helps us STAND against the evil day- Ephesians 6 vs 11-13. Psalm 119 vs 105 says that God's word is a lamb unto our feet and a light to our path.

As sons, we need to work by faith and our faith produce works. 

 God decided in Genesis 1 vs 20, to make man in his image and likeness. When the bible described man, it further identified in reference to both male and female - Genesis 1 vs 27. Both male and female were made in God's image.  You are a reflection of God. Your  sonship should  be evident in every area of your life. Multiply in your finances, bear fruits spiritually and physically etc. Genesis 1 vs 28. God saw that all he made was VERY good, especially after he made man. If you check the verses before when he made other things they were 'good' but after he made man, everything was VERY good. Let nobody or anything tell you or make you feel you are not good enough. If you were made in the image of God, you are as beautiful as he is.
 Ephesians 1 vs 5 "He predestined (To determine or plan in advance) to adopt us through Christ Jesus with accordance to his will and pleasure". From the beginning, it was part of God's plan, you and i were part of his plan. Galatians 4 vs 4-7 "Because you are sons, God sent forth the spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying ''Abba !Father!'' Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then an heir of God through Christ". God is our father, our provider, protector, confidant. '' Abba'' signifies a close, intimate relationship between a father and a child.  We have this privilege only through Christ when born again. God oversees our comfort, well being, health and needs as our father. We must understand that as sons, we have a personal relationship with God and we should work with that understanding. A son knows the personal businesses of his father.


Thursday 11 May 2017


On a wooden slack lies a famished soul
Mercilessly beaten by the rain
Lies endlessly in the raging cold
A word of prayer can help this soul

On wet pillow lies a crying soul
Eyes flushed by draining tears
Soaked regardless in raging turmoil
A word of prayer can help this soul

On a dirty stone sits a hungry soul
Eyes puffed at passing beings
Confusingly, leaves a raging head
A word of prayer can help this soul

On a rusty rail leans a jobless soul
Throat knotted in frustration on another lost Loo
Eyes deemed by the raging sun
A word of prayer can help this soul

On a cold floor sits a deprived soul
Helplessly disengaged from a missing soul
Heart knotted by raging grief
A word of prayer can help this soul

 I remember the night i laid on my bed thinking after reading somewhere about a person who died from a terminal disease. I had so many thoughts, that was the night i wrote the poem above. I thought about the pain (physical, emotional etc) she went through before dying and what the family was going through at that moment. I thought about so many people who were hopeless at that moment, the kids who roam the streets in search of food, the people who sleep under the bridges, the sick, broken hearted etc. Please go through the poem, i believe God will speak to someone through that poem. its a message. A lot of people pass through so many challenges, even billions of people we don't know about, you might not be able to reach out to everyone physically but i know praying for them is one way of doing that.
 1timothy 2 vs 1 "I urge, then, that, first of all ,requests, prayers, intercessions,and thanksgiving, be made for everyone".

The unbelievers need our prayers as well to believe, even the unbelievers whose faces we don't know or whom we've not met or we are not able to approach. God is a way maker. Pray for them to have an encounter with God. You might have tried all you can, praying for them will change things. There are believers in church who are going through a lot. Most times they can't tell people about it and you can't read it from their faces because they wear the happy look when coming to church or going out, pray for this people. Let's follow the guidance of the Holy spirit regarding prayer, the Holy spirit can minister to you to pray for a particular person, please do not ignore, even if its a short prayer, pray for them. Do not be selective of the people you pray for instead, be guided by the Holy spirit.

Pray for the people in authority instead of criticizing the people there, lets pray for them.  proverbs 21 vs 1 "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will".

 Pray for God to guide them to do well. Pray for strength for them, they get tired too or frustrated. Sometimes, they feel pressured. Pray for God's sufficiency for them, they have needs too. Pray for church leaders and members. Prayer strengthens the church.

Take out time to pray for people you don't know. Just mention the needs this people might have to God in prayer. you might not know everyone's needs but you can commit them to God in prayers. Hold hands with people and pray for them, sometimes they might not be going through anything at the moment but just bless them and thank God for them.

I remember one morning, early in the morning, i was woken from sleep by the Holy spirit about a revelation to pray for a lady, to pray against death for her. From the image i saw, i wasn't sure i knew her. My eyes were full of sleep, i was so tempted to sleep back. God kept speaking to me about it that moment, i thought to wait till i finally wake up but i knew i had to pray, so i woke up still feeling sleepy and i prayed, i made sure to pray in the spirit and then i slept back when i woke up finally that morning i almost forgot about that revelation but God reminded me and i prayed again. My point is, even when it seems uncomfortable for you at that moment and the Holy spirit ministers to you to pray for someone or people, do it. Don't let it slip because its not you or a loved one. God has a reason for it, someone might be in a critical situation and needs your prayer at that moment. What if it you forget to pray and it becomes too late? i pray it doesn't get to that point, What if you procrastinate and forget to pray? 

Love yourself enough to pray for yourself too. Do not take things for granted. God is that father we can talk to about anything.
Everything can be going on well with your spiritual life, you feel alright within, but if the Holy spirit tells you to pray about your spiritual life and be vigilant or sensitive in the spirit, maybe he says you need to pray more or be extra vigilant do not ignore no matter how well things are going at that moment. A lot of Christians ignore this and before they know, they let themselves get overshadowed by situations and then they will be wondering what happened like '' i was fine just last week, what happened?''. God sees what's ahead and wants to guide you from it. He will.

Mathew 18 vs19-20 " Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. 20..For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am i in the midst of them''. Pray with people, pray as a family, pray in church with others. For example, you need to get a Biro from the floor, if you try lifting with your toes without looking and lying on the bed, you might keep tapping the floor and its more difficult though can be successful but if you, sit up, bend, use your eyes to search for it, and finally lift it with your hand. that's putting virtually half if not all of your body at work. Another example is trying to clear a field. One person doing it alone can take hours but two or more people doing it together might take just minutes to complete the work. one person is a force on his own but together, its like putting  many forces together. We are one body in Christ who work together to grow as one.  Another persons issue should concern you, if you feel soreness in your feet, your hand rubs it continuously till it feels better. God loves unity, togetherness and bonding as a family even through prayer. Romans 15 vs 5-6'' May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ''.

Prayer is important. Be sensitive in the spirit. I pray for God's increase in our prayer lives in Jesus name, Amen!

Tuesday 2 May 2017


Hello beautiful people
We are still on the topic of love. Love is a beautiful thing. It is strong. It's God's will for me to write to someone out there about love and the manner of love. Love is from the father. There is a reason why you are reading this right now. God has different ways of speaking to people. Be blessed by this message. If you haven't seen the second part of this topic, please go through it. God has alot to reveal to you through it.
Our text majorly is from 1 corinthians 13.  Please make sure to go through it.

Love is patient, patience means to wait, to tolerate, to be in constant pursuit, to persevere , to bear.

 Love is being patient with a person through thier moodiness. People display different attitudes when moody, most times we could misunderstand it to be thier show of dislike towards us, they might be going through a lot they can't reveal. In fact,  the attitude might be as a result of anger towards something else not you. Moodiness could be hormonal/biological in both men and women. Love people even when they seem really angry all the time, Love can change lives or inspire. Love tolerates. Show love to strangers.

 Love is being patient to help another out of a mistake they are about to make due to ignorance despite thier refusal to listen or waiting around to pray and hoping they come to realization of the truth. Love is when you wait to hear the side of a story of a person after you hear a rumour about them no matter how bad and believable it is. Love is not judging them. Loves is waiting till you marry to have sex wit your partner. 

Love is not envious of another. Love celebrates another's success even when you started the journey before them.
Love does not envy because the other person you feel superior to has accomplished what you accomplished. Love does not envy because your husband/wife is earning more than you at work. You are one body.

Love doesn't brag. It doesn't go about telling people what they have done or how much they have done for other people. Love is not reminding people or your partner how much you've done for them or how much they owe to you with the intention of making them feel indebted to you, worship you or feel owned by you. Love doesn't rub success on people's faces, it's a sign of weakness and insecurity. Love doesn't discriminate, nobody is inferior. Christ died for all, regardless of tribe or nation. Differences in race shows how diversely and richly beautiful God is through creation. We are one body in Christ. No part of Christ body is inferior. Everything God made was good.

One has not love if they allow thier temper to be an excuse in hurting people's feelings. If one has love, they will work on it. Bad temper ruins relationships. Proverbs 29 vs 11  " A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back" 

Proverbs 16 vs 32 "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city".

Love is not self centered or selfish. It doesn't regard one's need to be more important than another's. Love doesn't argue/fight with another to win, love is considerate to see another's hurt in disagreements or fights. Love doesn't live in the past. Before, people used diaries to record hurts and offences but it's recorded in the heart now for easy access. This leaves more hurt. It's like reopening a wound. If a wound is hit again, it becomes worse. When this people are hurt again, the old wound resurfaces and gets wider with the new one. It is choking to build up hurt or anger. It is a world of continous pain. A physical wound being hit or reopened can get infected, leave constant pain, take long to heal or there could be deadly consequences. Thus, the wound bearer suffers it. It's never worth it. It is a restriction of personal growth. A lot of psychological drainage occurs too. There is no happiness or peace. It then becomes difficult to love or accept love. Sometimes it becomes hard to see God's love and enjoy it. The devil takes advantage of small things to build them up into something worse. Jesus loved the people who betrayed him, hurt him, rejected him enough to die for them. Even at the point of death he still loved by asking the Father for forgiveness on thier behalf. Even at the point of being very hurt he accepted a thief nailed with him into God's Kingdom. The deciples denied and deserted him when he was captured but he still reached out to them when he rose from death.

Love and evil don't attract. Love resist evil. A world full of love is a world with less evil. Love sees the truth and rejoices with it. Love is genuine. Love protects, this can be seen in God's abundant protection over us. Protection isn't only from physically harmful things or persons. Protection can be by defending someone when the whole word condems or accuses them. Protect someone by actually not hurting them through emotional or physical abuse. 

Love perseveres, your love for something leaves in you the spirit to pursue it regardless of obstacles on the way. This is how you accomplish goals in life. Love trust, trust is believing in something. When there is trust, relationships won't be shaken or tossed around. Believing in/trusting your partner is loving them. Love hopes for the best in people no matter how bad thier situation might seem. Some people want to be encouraged to get through difficult times. Seeing that another person has hope for them is strength to get through.

Love doesn't fail or dissapoint. God doesn't fail or dissapoint us because he loves us dearly.

Love is devotion.  Romans 12 vs 10. We make out time for the things or people we love. Devotion is sacrificial. You make out time no matter the schedule if there is love.

Love serves. Service in humility. Serving is helping out, volunteering, taking care of, putting things in order for other people, catering for others, looking out for the needs of others.
Love is serving your people honestly when in  political power or an organisation.
Love is service by sharing knowledge, helping another to grow spiritually, looking out for the unbelievers and winning souls( genuine concern for another's soul). Love is serving another with our God given gifts 1 peter 4 vs 10
" Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms".

Love should be in our hearts when working in the house of God. Godly people are not rude, judgemental, unkind, unwelcoming or proud.

Let the church be an example of love to the world and not the world's principles of love ours.
Love conquers imperfections.

Love doesn't bring fear, for those in relationships,courtships, marriages. A partner who puts you in constant fear from threats or by being hit doesn't love you. It doesn't matter how much they lie to you about loving you. Love is not abusive, love takes no advantage.

 Love yourself. You were made in the image and likeness of God. He lives in you. You are the evidence of God on earth. You are so loved by God regardless of who you are or what you do. You don't need to work or impress God to gain his love. It's a special gift from God to you. God's actions are because he loves you. Don't try to impress or bribe people to love you. You are that special! In Mathew 22 vs 39, the bible says love your neighbour as you love yourself. You have to love yourself first to be able to love and accept love. You are a member of Christ glorious body.

Some people might be wondering how possible it is to love this way. It is possible. Once we've accepted Christ, he lives in us and he works in us and through us to transform us. You just need to believe and allow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

1 corithians 3 vs 18

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit".

 Ephesians 5 vs 1-2

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma"

Love should be expressed not locked up. Love is commitment.

Let the love of Christ fill you up. Be blessed in Jesus name. Amen

Thursday 27 April 2017


Lorna was prayed for and led to a counselling section with the evangelism unit in church who, showered her with so much love. Lorna got home after service to meet her parent's absence. According to Jonathan, they were still not back from where they went. Lorna quickly made dinner by warming the food she brought back from church for Jonathan and Ruth. Sandra gave Lorna two extra plates of food when Lorna told her about Jonathan and Ruth. She slept early that night reflecting on how much her life had changed just within hours. She prayed for the first time in years. She felt happy and relieved for some reason after that.

Lorna was early to church the next day in  the evening after school. Lorna took Ruth and Jonathan with her. She received a phone call from a church member that day who called to check on and pray with her in the afternoon.
The same pastor who preached the previous day continued the second day. The topic for the second day was
"Love (loving the father)". The pastor started
"I  have a personal belief that, a person who receives Christ into thier lives and God's abundant love will surely know how to love another. This is why, it is hard for the people in the world to be able to love one another genuinely. Especially, when there is no form of payback, benefit or blood relationship involved.
The love from God is very genuine, true and unconditional. If one believes or has a good knowledge ( this knowledge is revealed in the word) of God's love and accepts it, then one can love another really. God is love. God making us perfect and righteous through Christ is love. Making us joint heirs in the kingdom with Christ is love in abundance.
God's love sees no imperfections. If we truly have God in us we will love above imperfections.

1 John 4 vs 4

7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

13 We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.

14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God.

16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

17 In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him.

The wrongs people do or people making mistakes in thier lives doesn't make them unfit for love. For instance, someone you know got pregnant at an early age out of wedlock, came to worship at your church and you decide to shut the doors against her or look at her with judgment in your eyes, because you feel they have taken themselves out of God's love or are unfit for your love. This is you not knowing God and you trying to discourage or stop someone in need of fellowship with God. But you can never take them out of God's love. They are never out of it.
Because he/she makes alot of mistakes, is too clumsy, too dirty doesn't make him/her unfit for your love.
Knowing God is loving another. Loving the father is by loving another.
Mathew 25 vs 34 to the end, Jesus explains that on the last day those who served the people in need served God.

Mathew 25 vs 45 "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'"

Knowing God is loving another and it means God lives in us. Therefore his love is made complete in us.
The body is like a house, temporarily for us on earth. If the body fails, the spirit still lives. But, if a man is down in his Spirit, it is evident in his body either by bodily movements, facial expressions, loss of weight as well as other signs even without the presence of diseases.
If God's spirit lives in us, our existence is in him and his existence is in us and through us and because he exist in us, we will be able to fulfill his purposes for our lives. God works in us and through us. He lives in us. He acts through us. He is behind our existence. His spirit quickens our mortal bodies. His Spirit in us strengthens us in spirit and body. His Spirit in us gives our bodies healing and Vigour. His spirit in us leads us right.

If we confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in us and we live in him. Because God's love is perfected in us, we will be confident in the day of judgment because we have the love of God in us and so we are like him in the world.
We should manifest God's love in us by loving others, loving others should be from our hearts. It should be evident in our thoughts, actions and words towards them. Love God by loving one another. Loving God and loving another is one.

Actions can be driven by different reasons. Even some actions, most people might misinterprete to be love are driven by selfishness or for selfish gains. The basis for them is deceit because love is never backed by selfish reasons or interest. Love is genuine.

Let the children of God take and reveal the manner of love to the world and not be led by the world's principles of love. Love sees value in people.  Love is expression of good to another.  Affection is love lavished on another.

Please read: Romans 12 vs 10, I peter 4 vs 10. Galatians 5 vs 13.

The sermon ended. Lorna shed tears she tried to hide with her handkerchief from her siblings who watched on. In her life of fifteen years, she was wronged by so many people including her own family. She saw love in another new dimension. During prayer time, she found herself praying for each of the people who hurt her that she could remember. She prayed in tears for them with love from her heart. Lorna always thought she wouldn't be able to forgive her parents for all the hurt. She asked God for help in forgiving them. Lorna cried more in prayer as she let go of all the hurt and forgave all who hurt her.

Months after, Lorna found herself at peace. This was what she never felt in years. In the midst of struggles she had peace. She was happy. Lorna got a personal bible for herself and God revealed to her his mystery from his word.

The vice principal in school threatened to fail Lorna after her refusal of his sexual advances. Lorna was afraid. She didn't know who to talk to about it because she felt no one will believe her. The vice principal was admired and looked up to by the staff of the school. Lorna felt reluctant to pray about it because she felt it was odd to pray about such, especially when she willingly allowed the Vice principal in the past. She finally talked to God about it and believed God to fight for her. She knew God had forgiven her since and she accepted God's forgiveness.

Three weeks later, a parent of a child came to school to arrest the vice principal after thier daughter reported being raped by him to them. He threatened her not to tell anyone. There was evidence of this rape because,  the girl ran from his office to the house directly, her parents took her for examination and treatment in the hospital afterwards they preserved the evidence. A case was made against him, victims of abuse and threats from the vice principal were told to come forward and testify. Thirty three girls came forward and testified against him, including students who graduated already, to the prosecutor in charge. Lorna testified too. Some confidently witnessed in court against him. The vice principal was duely sentenced.
Lorna's mum stopped drinking, her Dad became more understanding and considerate towards them. As months passed, the family grew in love. Lorna's parents later accepted Christ and apologised to thier children. Christ completely healed thier family.

Sunday 23 April 2017



Lorna collapsed into the soft sofa in the sitting room. She was already exhausted. Lorna suddenly realised how much her body hurt. Her feet especially as she extended her hands to  massage gently. She had to tuck in her drunk mum to sleep, who seem not to realise what she was doing. Still trying to process how much of a day it had been with her younger siblings creating big messes round the house, her dad walked in. Patrick walked in calmly at first then stared at her for seconds. Lorna felt an eye on her, she quickly sat up to face whoever it was. It was her dad,  still staring in disgust.
"Dad...good eve..ning" she stammered and acted like she was cleaning the sofa she was now sitting on.
Her dad gave her a quick stern and warning look and went into his room. That look meant she shouldn't mess his sofa with her sweaty body. Lorna sighed, a sigh of relief and disappointment. Relieved that he left, disappointed that he hadn't even sat to eat his meal she prepared which was on the dining. Lorna began to feel sleepy. She got up quickly to use the shower before she fell asleep. Lorna planned to return back to check if her dad has eaten and then finally clean up before going to bed.
Lorna stood in the shower, she put back the sponge she used to scrub her body in the green coloured bowl in the sink across but close to the shower. It was a pretty small bathroom built for one. Hot tears began to run down her face, when did her Dad become so cold? She asked herself. Lorna remembered the days he use to carry her on his shoulders and run round their small courtyard, she caught her mum's smile through the kitchen window as she watched each time while cooking. Lorna would laugh so hard and look at her mum excitedly.
Lorna remembered her parents arguing seriously one sunday night, that was the last sunday they went to church together as a family. Her mum kept screaming at the top of her voice that she wasn't in love with her father anymore and that she found someone else whom she was so in love with. Her dad was mad at her mum but Lorna could hear him plead. Lorna held her siblings so close to herself that night in in her room. All two had run to her room crying. Lorna was just ten then. Her younger ones Serah and Jonathan were two and four respectively. Lorna's dad refused to sign the divorce papers, he pleaded with her mum to consider the children but her mum insisted. The man her mum wanted to leave her dad for soon left her for another woman after seven months of their affair, claiming he couldn’t go out anymore with a woman who was still legally married. Her mum blamed it on Lorna's father Patrick. Lorna's mum then resulted to drinking and neglected them all. Rebecca her mum became a shadow of herself, she lost her job due to negligence and started keeping late nights. 

Each time, she returned home drunk. Her father was good to them at first but soon felt burdened as he had to take care of them on his own. Lorna tried to help out to ease his burden but he soon neglected them. They lived like strangers, even strangers who shared an apartment were better. At least most of them talked to each other. The only people Lorna talked with were Jonathan and Serah.
Lorna soon realised how much she had spent showering. She hurriedly rinsed and left the bathroom.

The next morning was pretty bright for 6am, the sun sank right deep into her eyes, Lorna turned to other side of the bed. Lorna quickly sat up to face the clock, it was 6.30! Lorna sprang to her feet. She ran to her sibling's room to get them ready for school. After that, she ran downstairs and met her mum who seemed to have just woken, complaining of headache, though talking to herself.
"Whose daughter are you, useless child, are you just waking up?" Rebecca asked her daughter as she sighted Lorna, irritated. Rebecca hissed and went on to sit on the sofa. She yawned and stretched at once.
"Good morning mum, I'm sorry" Lorna responded and briskly walked to the kitchen to get breakfast ready. She stumbled upon piled up dirty plates she was too tired to wash the previous night. Lorna packed them out of the sink into an empty basin to make breakfast first. She had to get to school by 7.30.
"How am I gonna do this" she thought to herself. She hurriedly prepared boiled plantain and fried egg. She heard her mum complaining about everything in the sitting room from the kitchen. Lorna wiped the sweat out of her face as she served breakfast. 

Breakfast was ready, her siblings soon came, ate and left for school. Lorna hurriedly did the dishes, cleaned the house and went to shower, she dressed up quickly in her rumpled school uniform she had not had time to iron and was on her way to school. It was 9.05am. She hadn't seen her dad that morning. Lorna prayed he was fine. Lorna felt something in her uniform pocket on her way, she put her hand in to check. It was a condom, she quickly put back the condom that fell out with another paper but held on to the paper in her hand. It was a flier, a church flier. Sandra, her junior in school gave it to her. Lorna rolled her eyes at the flier. She thought to toss it to the nearest bin, she couldn't find one around, so she held on to it. Lorna was used to cleaning up messes and got used to not making one herself. Still walking to school, she got tired of holding the flier and decided to read it because she was bored from walking to school.
The church's name was written at the very top. It was three days evening program, tagged " Love ( the manner of love). Lorna laughed and then suddenly frowned. Lorna thought Sandra gave the wrong person the flier. She didn't even know what the word love meant anymore and if it existed. Out of frustration of not finding a bin, Lorna put the flier into her school bag, the space she left for later throw outs.

Lorna soon arrived the school premises, she was punished by the staff on duty for coming late to school despite her pleas and excuses, the staff was already tired of hearing same story everyday that week. Lorna got to class by 10.15 am and was sent out by the teacher for lateness. It was her SS3 geography class. She brought out a bubble gum and chewed loudly outside the class by the door, it got the teacher so irritated and mad at her. The vice principal took them geography. He flogged her on her palms severely for her rudeness in which Lorna didn't resist or cry for. The teacher stopped amazed and asked to see her in his office immediately. 

Few minutes after, Lorna came out of the vice principal's office, she went to a corner and counted the naira notes he gave her. She thought of buying new sandals with it for herself and for her younger brother. She thought of buying another condom to replace the used one and she would then use the money she took from her mother's purse the night before to buy foodstuffs for lunch. It was two months since her dad last gave her money for upkeep and her mum laughed in her face when she asked. Patrick was well to do. They lived in a good house. He still worked but he stopped giving her money two months back. Lorna decided to do something about it when she came back home from school one afternoon and saw her siblings crying their eyes out due to hunger. They barely ate everyday for weeks.
As Lorna was done counting her money and planning her budget, she noticed the highly esteemed girls of the school coming towards her direction in a group, she quickly arranged her uniform as she watched them chatter and stroll towards her. They were her classmates. The girls soon met up with her. Lorna exchanged pleasantries with the girls and agreed to help the girls get snacks from the school's canteen after they asked. She was glad they asked and was happy to help. She felt so happy each time they stopped to talk to her. It made the other kids in school notice her and that she knew the highly esteemed girls and sometimes walked with them.

Lorna soon got home from school, she felt a bit stressed but not too tired. It was 3.30pm in the afternoon.  She quickly made lunch for her siblings who were already at home before her. She was thankful her parents weren't home. Before arriving home, Lorna quickly went to the market after school to get the sandals her younger brother Jonathan and her needed for school. She was about to clean up after they ate when she noticed the frown on Jonathan's face. Lorna didn't bother to ask, she was already used to him being unhappy if he didn't get what he wanted so she pulled up her school bag underneath the dining table and brought out his sandals and gave it to him. The excitement on his face, Lorna couldn't explain as she watched in awe. Jonathan and Serah soon left the sitting room chattering happily over his new sandals after thanking her. She was happy he was happy.

Lorna thought to it was time to dispose the unwanted stuffs in her bag,
"Here, we go again" she said to herself when she saw the church flier in her bag. Lorna tried her best to avoid Sandra through out that day in school. She read the flier again out of frustration, something got her interested. There was music concert too. Lorna loved music. Music was the only thing that ever loved her, so she thought. It gave her some sort of peace and made her forget her troubles when she listened. She wondered what kind of music they actually were going to present. According to the flier there was refreshment. If not for the music, then the food. She decided to go.

Lorna took a quick shower, she wore a mini blue skirt that exposed a great part of her thigh with a long black top, she had opted for a crop top revealing her navel but thought church people would judge her She had other plans, who knows, she could meet her helper. Lorna tip toed into her mother's room, used her mother's brown powder and light pink lip gloss and ran out hoping no one would see her. She told her younger siblings she was going to collect a note from a classmate and will be back soon.

Lorna soon arrived the church. It was a bit far from her house. She sweated a bit and tried to pat her face at the entrance with her hands.
"Lorna!" Sandra screamed in excitement.
"I'm glad you came" she said.
Lorna was shocked and confused, she didn't realize Sandra was the Usher who stood in front of her, previously backing her, she wore a blue jean trouser and a white t -shirt.
"Hope you are good, come let me lead you to a sit" Sandra said excitedly and led the way into the church.
"Yes, thank you" Lorna responded. The only response she gave since her arrival. Lorna felt odd. The atmosphere was strange to her. She tried to pull down her skirt a bit as eyes were on her. Lorna was a bit surprised as they mostly smiled at or welcomed her. Sandra noticed her discomfort and squeezed her hands to reassure her.

Some people were singing on the podium, Lorna kept staring at the congregation. A lot of people were on their feet some just up and others jumping, some cried while some danced. She wondered why people would cry for just a song. She relaxed and watched.

A tall slender, light skinned man soon went up the pulpit. After a short prayer. He announced his topic.
"Love ( the manner of love)"
"My text is from....all the scriptures in the bible". The young man said and paused as if to get an expression from the congregation . All the people in the church marvelled at what he said. Some thought he was in sane to want to get the text from all part of the bible. Where was the time for that?

"Basically, the bible Is God's love letters to us. From Genesis to Revelation. God tells us everything he has done and will do because he loves us. The basis for God's action from the beginning is love. Have you ever thought of it that way? What manner of love! A lover reveals himself to his love, how he feels about his/her love, what he wants to do for him/her and that is what God has been doing, through his word. I thought of getting a text for today's message from a particular book or chapter of the bible but I just couldn't because i found it in every part i read. God's love is everywhere in the bible and evident in creation. In you and I. 

Lorna was interested but, nobody has ever really loved her. She felt the message wasn't for her. She felt undeserving and unworthy of any love. She has always felt that way since she was ten. People only looked at her twice if she had any thing to offer in return for their favour. She didn't feel she was beautiful. So why would someone love her. She felt she was too wayward. She felt responsible for breaking up her family. Her parents cursed at her everyday. She moved her chair back to stand up and leave but the noise the chair made drew attention to her so Lorna pretended to pick something from the floor and sat back. She didn't like attention.

"From the beginning, for God to take out that special time to create us in his IMAGE, what manner of love! And God said that what he made was good. We stare at our beautiful reflections and image through the mirror everyday and nod to ourselves because of how good we look. Then when God looks at you, can you imagine how much he nods in admiration? He sees himself in us! He loves what he sees, you are God's reflection and image, you are beautiful.

Nobody ever called Lorna beautiful. But hot or sexy was frequent. She felt so special after he said that. It got her interested. 

"If there is no mistake in God, then there is non in you. He is not a God of mistakes". The pastor said.

His last statement made Lorna cry. Her class supervisor once called her a mistake. Her mum did frequently. She wiped her tears because she didn't want to attract attention to herself.

"You are so loved and special that he had to make a special and  beautiful place for you before creating you to enjoy it, the earth.  He placed you in charge. Hence, you must possess the earth. He gave you plants for food, plants to admire, oceans to drink from and bath from. God would have made it that you wouldn't need to bath but still be clean but he knew the pleasure of having water run over your body and made it for you as well as other pleasures like food, you could just eat to grow without tasting but he made you able to taste it by creating those taste buds. What manner of love! 

Then came sin, he still loved despite that. His love was more than his chastening. The bible said he chastens the ones he loves. He wanted to put an end to sin and give you victory over it. To break that barrier holding you back from coming into and accepting the fullness of his love. What manner of love! So he sent his son Jesus to die for you. John 3 vs 16 says " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". 

Because he so...loved you and me. He sent his only son. His priceless son to pay the price he didn't owe. And his son came full of love from the father, in abundance he showed us an incomprehensible amount of that love by dying on the cross. How many would have borne the pain and trauma till the end? Jesus did it. For us all. You just need to believe in Jesus and be saved. That's how much he loves you. You are the righteousness of God through Christ. He did all the work on the cross for you. His blood cleanses you. His blood presents you purified and perfect before the father. What manner of love! Just come as you are to him. That is what he is telling you today. He would have just come into the world and probably be killed at infancy for us. But he did the work, he set the pace, he lived in the world full of sin but sin had no power over him and he showed us it could be that way with us. He didn't come to condemn but to save you. Jesus loves you. This is the strongest and most powerful love. You can't even classify it or fully understand why he loves you. But he loves you. Once God loves you, it doesn't matter who doesn't. God's love conquers!

The pastor did not do an altar call yet but Lorna found herself kneeling in front of the podium, she was in tears. She was happy Jesus loved her family and would make her family whole again. Lorna poured her heart to God knowing he loved and accepted her just the way she was. Lorna prayed for her family too. 

Monday 17 April 2017


If this is the first time you will be seeing this, its important you go through the part one of this topic on the blog.

VERSE 5-16
Most times fear creeps in when we see the actual danger before us. It's important we see Jehovah Sabaoth ( The Lord of Host. Joshua 5 vs 13-14, Isaiah 31 vs 4, 2 kings 6 vs 16-17 KJV) at that moment because the truth is, he is always on standby. His army is greater in number and might than any army on earth. When the Syrian army came to capture Elisha the prophet after the king of Syria found out that Elisha was the one who kept telling the king of Israel of thier plan to attack him and they couldn’t succeed. The Syrian king ordered his army to sorround the city at midnight thereby making no way for Elisha to avoid being captured, Elisha's servant was frightened but God had another plan. God's army was  on standby, greater and stronger than the Syrian army. kings 6 vs 16-17 (NIV)

16 "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."

17 And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Most importantly, in times of danger, listening to God's instruction is very necessary.  If God wants to quietly lead you out of that danger, it's important you follow suit, If God wants you to pass through that really burning fire and not avoid it, pass through it by faith and you won't be burned. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were bound, and thrown into the burning furnace because they refused to worship King Nebuchadnezzar's graven image. They were bound with the intention of making them helpless, and thrown into the burning furnace, they passed through the burning furnace and came out unhurt. No matter how hopeless and helpless that situation might seem, God will untie you from the chains that held you bound and bring you out of it unhurt (Daniel 3, read Isaiah 43 vs 2). Jesus was led to the cliff by the people  with the intention of throwing him down but he walked out in thier midst, nothing happened to him. He could have allowed himself to be thrown down and safe himself, he had the power to fight against and destroyed the people who planned to kill him at that point but he did it in God's way for a greater purpose to be fulfilled (Luke 4 vs 29). At the end God won against Satan.
Also, God can choose to slay our attackers or put them into confusion and chaos for our sake. In what ever way God chooses to save us, it is for his purpose to be accomplished and his name glorified. Always listen to God while in danger or difficult situations. God's way out of that situation or danger may not be how you want it but his way is the best. Always know that God's mighty hand of protection is always there to protect you and guide you.

Sometimes, in the case of an attack by the enemy, depending on the severity of the attack, we anticipate the death of the people involved. Offcourse, God fights for us even more than how the mother hen does for her chicks but God can choose to deal with our attackers anyway he wants to according to his purpose. The men who set Daniel up to be thrown into the den of Lions afterwards were thrown into that same den and were eaten by lions before reaching the floor of the den. By this vengeance was given to Daniel and the people of that Kingdom turned to the Lord based on the King's command after witnessing Daniel's ordeal and seeing the fate of the conspirators (Daniel 6 vs 16-26).
Read 2 kings 6 vs 18 

18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the LORD, "Strike these people with blindness." So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.

19 Elisha told them, "This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for." And he led them to Samaria.

20 After they entered the city, Elisha said, "LORD, open the eyes of these men so they can see." Then the LORD opened their eyes and they looked, and there they were, inside Samaria.

21 When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, "Shall I kill them, my father? Shall I kill them?"

22 "Do not kill them," he answered. "Would you kill men you have captured with your own sword or bow? Set food and water before them so that they may eat and drink and then go back to their master."

23 So he prepared a great feast for them, and after they had finished eating and drinking, he sent them away, and they returned to their master. So the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel's territory.

The Aramean(syrian) soldiers realised how powerless and helpless they were when they came to capture Elisha because of Jehovah Saboath. Later on, Elisha showed them kindness by making a feast for them and then sent them away. The Aramean soldiers stopped raiding Israel's territory afterwards.  God made them helpless, useless and powerless by striking them with blindness and gave them into Elisha's hands. That's what God can do to our enemies. Elisha would have killed them all but he let them go because he was a man of God working alongside with God and according to his plan. Let God carry out the vengeance in whichever way he pleases, do not take it upon yourself. God planned to make this soldiers useful in the future . This same soldiers later formed a siege around Samaria. Reading through chapter 7, when some lepers who were hungry, helpless and forsaken went to the camp of the Aramean soidiers, the soidiers  heard the approaching  footsteps of the lepers and thought it was a great army coming up against them from different Kingdoms in which the king of Israel must have invited to fight against them. This soldiers ran away and left thier belongings including food in thier camp. This way those lepers were fed and the whole of Samaria was fed too and delivered from famine. God can decide to use our enemies for our good. God works our enemies for our good. Our enemies may plan evil against us with the intention of prevailing but God has another superceding plan that the enemy doesn't know about. God nullifies the plan of the wicked against you, It does not matter how seriously the've planned or how many times they come around to attack, soon you will see them no more. Just as the Israelites saw the Egyptians no more. God is working it out.  At times you may be weary from the trouble the enemy is causing or just being aware of the plans of the wicked against you can weigh you down but know God has already put things in place. Sometimes, through the plan of the wicked for your good. People can set you up to bring you down or destroy you but God will put things in place to turn that plan to favour you and lift you. God can decide not to kill your enemies just to use them for your good. They continually are worked up for your sake, they become your servants unknowingly. He makes them our footstool. You keep trampling over them.

God can also use circumstances in which our enemies set up against us to turn them to God. In the case of Saul, an enemy of the Christians, God later used Saul to preach the gospel of Christ to the world, he travelled round the world before, looking for Christians to persecute when he repented he travelled round the world to preach the gospel of Christ. Turning an enemy to God who previously was an agent of the devil to destroy God's people  puts the devil to shame. This is the devil not being successful. God can as well mightily use them to punish the devil . Some people might be asking or wondering why God will spare the people who in one way or the other have risen up against them or decide to use them for his work and purpose. It is true that God is the God of vengeance. This vengeance he gives based on how it seems right to him and it must be justified. God loves the people in the world dearly, even the ones who are blindly uses by the devil. The problem there is the devil fighting aimlessly through them not this people. The bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness in thier high places (Ephesians 6 vs 12).
It is Satan that uses this people to do his evil and dark things. God can decide to ruin the plans of the devil and rescue this people from darkness. This people too are loved by God and need to be protected from being used as tools by the devil. If God stretches his hands to them filled with love and grace and they hold on to him, they will be saved. That is why it is important to pray for people who allow themselves to be led by the devil or your enemies. Being repentant of thier past which gave them failure, left them in darkness and deprived them of thier lives in Christ is a thing of Joy. The grace of God is sufficient to all regardless of what we've done or do. Believing in God is a major success against the devil. God punishes the devil by depriving him of souls. This punishment is deep! God does things most times in the way we cannot comprehend.
There are unrepentants who refuse to hold on to God's hand and allow themselves to be continually used by the devil who eventually leads them to thier distruction.

Pestilence is an epidemic disease that is highly contagious, infectious, virulent and devastating - English dictionary.
Trusting in God and having God as our shield creates a supernatural immunity over us against any form of pestilence. Even the non contagious diseases, God protects us  from them. It is possible to live without sickness or live sickness free. God's protection over us is far more than  a mother hen protecting her chicks. A mother hen guides her Chicks agressively from predators then how much more God guides us. Even if the people around you are plagued, it can't come near you.
Verse 7- Even if half of the community dies from it, that pestilence itself will avoid you. Some people can't get infected from drinking water from a source because they have a strong immunity but others get infected. Stop saying "I have a sensitive system " . Don't give yourself an excuse to be susceptible,  it is the devil's lie. God will always keep you alive to put the devil to shame.
Verse 9-6
It brings us back to believing, trusting and accepting God as our shield. No harm or disaster can come close. You see the earthly princes, they have guards sent by thier fathers the  kings to protect  them, that is how God sents angels to guide us. The earthly guards may not be capable but God's angels will never be defeated or run away from you in the face of danger. God fights so many battles for us that we are not aware of .
Jesus trampling on the head of the serpent was to fulfill God's word and also to expose us to the authority we have through Christ.  The  battle no matter how fierce, we will triumph victoriously. Study the scriptures which will reveal to you the Truth and God's promises concerning your life.

God wants to have a very special kind of relationship with us. Very intimate more than what best friends have. He wants to communicate with us, he wants to use us to achieve great things. God loves you! God loves you! God loves you! accept him, acknowledge him, reverence his name.
The signature and stamp of a governor can open doors for people or give authority through it. In fact, just people knowing you are a governor's child can be highly favourable. How much more when you are the child of God, his name will open doors no man can close, his name  makes demons tremble and flee. God's name is like a master key and he delivers from any circumstance. Being a child of God, you receive God's stamp of protection over you. His name gives you a higher level or stamp of authority. That name makes demons who came in one way to flee in seven ways.
God will be with you through thick and thin and he will bring you out of it like you never went through it. He will deliver you out of it with honour.  God's satisfies us with long life. A mother breastfeeds her child till he/she is satisfied. In fact,  the child being overly satisfied releases his/her grip and mouth from the mother's breast. God satisfies even more. It doesn't matter if there is a certain age people die in your family just step into that gap for your family and table it before the Alpha and Omega ( The beginning and the end) and he will so satisfy you with long life. Colosians 3 vs 1-3
1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God

His word never fails.

God's salvation to us is a very special gift which will continue to be abundant and permanent in our lives.

I pray for the person reading this, that God's promises in his word be established  in your life in Jesus precious name. I pray the joy and peace of the lord will continue to be your inheritance. For Christ in you the hope of Glory! Amen.